A Sad Day

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January 26th 2024,

I can still remember the day it happened like it was yesterday. I woke up late for my alarm and rushed out the door, my mom yelled out to me to watch the streets and be careful. It was pouring and I had forgotten my umbrella. I was soaked when I stepped into the school as I walked to my locker to get ready for the classes that had already started. I just knew I was going to get sent to the principal. This was the fifth time this week I was late. When I walked into the classroom Mr. Jackson greeted me with a slip and said "you know what to do.'' Knowing this was my write up I started to walk back out of the classroom and down the hall. On my way to the principal's office I messaged my friends Lisa and Zack that I wasn't going to be able to hang out after school. To which they responded with "Another write up?".

Zack and I had been friends since kindergarten, Zack was always the smart and athletic one and I was always the cool kid so to say. I always had a girlfriend often drifting from person to person whereas he said he never had time. One day back in eighth grade we met a transfer student named Lisa and boy was she a dream. She was everything you would've wanted: beautiful, kind, smart and above all that she approached us first. We accepted her with open arms. In ninth grade Zack had told me about how he'd had a crush on her for the longest time. I didn't know what to say besides go for it, I couldn't tell him that i had also had a crush on her i had to take a step back and let it be if it was gonna be. Since that day they've been inseparable.

When I arrived at the principal's office the secretary had told me to take a seat and I will be seen soon. After sitting for what felt like an eternity (only thirty minutes) I was told to go in. I was greeted with a familiar smile. My grandfather had been my principal since I was in middle school and has always looked out for me. "Sit down son." He said in his fake stern voice he uses every time I get in trouble. I smile at him and give him a hug. "I slept through my alarm." I said as I took a seat. He said "I know, your mother called, and for this you will have to make dinner tonight." I looked at him and chuckled. "Now go back to class and study, I'll see you tonight for dinner." he smiled and sent me on my way.

As the day continued it seemed the storm outside was only getting worse. I remember them talking about how severe out of nowhere storms keep appearing in the area on the news. It was at that moment that Mr. Jackson snapped me back to attention "Jake!" he exclaimed. "Would you like to explain to the class about what's so interesting outside?". I looked at him speechless, I felt like I just got snapped back to reality. "Um nothing Mr. Jackson.". "Good, now read the next chapter please." he looked down at his book and waved his hand at me.

The rest of the day seemed to go on as normal. When all the classes were done I headed home to start preparing dinner.

That's when it all changed. I walked into my house to see my mother balling her eyes out as she rushed over and hugged me with the news on in the background. "Thank god you're safe, I was worried sick!" Confused, I pushed her off of me. "What's going on, why are you crying?" I said knowing my mother isn't usually that emotional. She looked me in the eyes and said "your father was killed on his way home, the police said his car got struck by a lightning bolt and was run off the road." I stood there dumbfounded and in disbelief. I shook myself out of the daze and tried to gather my thoughts.

"There have been sightings of undead humans walking the streets and attacking people." the news lady on the tv had said.

I calmed my mom down and had her call to check up on my grandfather while I tried to contact my friends, when suddenly there was a lightning strike right outside the house that took out a telephone pole. I rushed outside to get a look at what happened, when I saw a lady walking in the street, in the storm. She looked at me, her gaze making my heart race. I closed the door quickly, ran over to my mom who looked somehow even more shell shocked then before. "Your grandfather picked up, but there was screaming, then the line cut off.".

"I'm sure he'll be alright" I whispered, unsure of anything at the moment. She tried to hold back her tears to seem strong for me. "Let's gather some supplies and make our way down in the basement for the night so we can gauge our situation, and work out what we are gonna do tomorrow." She said with shakiness in her voice. This is it, I thought. This is the end I wont get to see Zack or Lisa or anyone else ever again.

After we gathered the supplies we went down in the basement and threw whatever we could on the door to make a blockade. It wasn't much but we were hoping it was enough for the night. We laid down on the floor and bunched up some clothes for pillows. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't fall asleep, everytime I closed my eyes I saw that woman in the street, plus the storm outside had only gotten worse.

Then BOOM! Lightning struck the street right outside of our house and I saw it. Only a glimpse but as clear as day. Zombies were roaming the streets. I can't believe it. I mean everyone talks about how they will survive the apocalypse but here I am actually facing it. It felt fake, almost like someone was playing a cruel joke on me. All I could do was go to sleep and hope this was all a dream when I wake up tomorrow.

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