Chapter 3

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We ended up moving to Los Angeles in the summer. So I had plenty of time to make new friends. After we finished unpacking our things, I prayed and watched Hart of Dixie on Netflix. Before I knew it was 10:00pm I had watched 5 episodes of Hart of Dixie! When my mom walked through the new tinny little room in the back of the house she said softly, "Lights out sweetie." So I was forced to go to bed. In the morning I changed into my bathing suit and went to the beach with a surfboard and a towel. When I got there I got out got my board, towel, and put the keys to my car and my phone in my purse. Befor I knew it I was smelling the amazing salty air. I walked down to the sand dropped my stuff and ran into the salty sea water. I surfed for about an hour before I saw a crowd of people lining up to watch what was left of this little country girl(me) surf. After surfing for another 30 minutes I got out of the water. I was stoked to see the crowd of semi popular teens clapping for me. As my brown hair was blowing softly in the wind I caught a jock staring at my bigl blue eyes. "Hey" I said in surprise. He walked over to me and we made small talk for 10 minutes. He asked me to go to dinner with his friends. And I agreed. He grabbed his board and we surfed until 5:00. He took me to bubba gumps where all his friends were waiting for us.

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