Salty Waters: 2

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Mango pov

Thoughts race through my mind at what feels like the speed of light, and my happiest memories flash back to me. I'm absolutely certain that my time on Earthbread is up as the jellyshark cuts through the water, coming right for the underwater cave that I am seeking shelter in. If I wasn't so terrified, I would be impressed at how quickly the shark traveled. Good, it must be hungry, at least it will get eating me over with faster. I try scooting backwards ever so slightly, but the sreaming pain in my foot made the already thick tears streaming down my face. They are the kind of tears that could make the world fall to its knees and make the strongest of strong cookies cry. The entire world seemed to freeze in the moment, making everything move in slow motion as I saw the jellyshark reach its destination, and my final one. Splash! I jump, and a shiver of pure fear shoots up my back. My eyes instinctively close, and I bring my arms above my head, in a pathetic attempt to cover my shaking figure. "Hi cookie!" My jaw just about hits the floor, did that thing just talk! "I- what?! You can talk??!?" I unintentionally yelled out, still covering my face. "Of course I can silly!" The jellyshark seems to do a double take, looking at the frightened cookie. "Hey, are you okay? You look as if you've just seen a pirate!" I dont like to admit it, but I'm beginning to relax around this shark, I mean, it can talk and it has a cheerful aditude, just like me! "Y-yeah I'm alright, just a little startled, that's all..." my voice trails off, and I cringe internally. "Why?" The shark asks, before letting out a small oh. "Us it because im a jellyshark? Yeah I know you cookies are kinda afraid of us. You dont need to worry though, im nice! There no need to be afraid." They say this with such truthfulness that I finally lower my arms, and look at the friendly shark. My heart sores in my chest when our eyes meet. Their leaning on eye ledge that separates the water and rock, and their arms are crossed. A concerned grin is plastered on their face, clearly trying to lighten the mood of our situation. I can feel the jam rush straight to my cheeks (jam replaces blood, they're cookies.) Suddenly, the shark fully emerges from the water, and shakes the water off of themself. Once the last drop of water was completely shaken off, they were a cookie! My eyes widen to the size of saucers, and I begin to stammer out "Wha- but- you were a shark just a second ago! How on Earthbread are you a cookie?!" "OoOoOoooOo!" My face displays a confused look, before the cookie walks over to me, and brushes away the remainder of my tears. I blush hard, my cheeks becoming the color of fresh watermelon on a summer day, or maybe the color of a cookie who played out in the sun for way to long without sunscreen. "Oh, I never caught your name! Mines Mango Cookie, what about you?" The cookie looks up at me for a moment, as if they were pondering a good response, until their eyes landed on my injured foot. "OoooOoOoOo! OOOoooOoo!?" I blink twice, not catching a word of what the cute cookie said. (someone has a crushhhhhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) They pointed at my injured foot and kneeled down next to it, looking at it almost as if they were asking what happened. "Oh yeah, I hurt it on the way into this cave, im fine though, I promise!" The cookie shook their head, disagreeing with my statement. I see them reach into their pocket, and pull out a long piece of seaweed. The look into my eyes, as if asking if they can wrap the seaweed around my foot. I slowly nod my head, slightly distracted by their beautiful eyes. Slowly, they begin to wrap the seaweed around my foot. Its hardly painful, as they are being so gentle as the wrap the seaweed around my foot. "Thank you, you didn't need to." I said, with a smile plastered on my face. "OoOoOoooO!" My face twists into one of confusion. "I'm sorry but I didn't quite catch that, what did you say?" They grab a roch off of the floor, and begin the write in the dirt. I watch as the write, oddly mesmerized, but probably only because of who was writing it. Once they finished, I look over their shoulder to get a look at what they wrote. I have to squint a little to read it, because their handwriting is almost as hard to understand as their voice was. I manage to make out what they wrote, it read "Your welcome Mango, my name is Sorbet! I can't really talk while I'm a cookie, only while I'm a shark." Huh, sorbet? Thats a nice name. I think, or atleast I mean to think as the words come straight out of my mouth. Sorbet let's out a bubbly giggle in response to my words, and my face becomes a shade of dark red. "OooOoOoOooooO!" A warm pair of arms wrap around me, squeezing tight. Sorbet is hugging me, holy crap holy crap holy crap what do I do??! I slowly untangle my arms from Sorbets attack hug to hug them back. It feels warm and protective, as if the world melted away in during our hug, and it was just the two of us, together.

Hey! Sorry this took so long to put out, it was usually long for a chapter. It should be noted that in this universe everyone automatically knows everyone's pronouns and respects them (how nice that would be in real life, I know) Thank you for the support on the story so far! Christmas break starts soon, so I should be able to get the next chapter out quicker, but im tired, so I should go to bed now, bye!

There's no need to be afraid: Mango x sorbet shark cookie Where stories live. Discover now