Sun Covered by Clouds: 5

254 7 7

Tw: mentions of bullying

    "It was only an adventure because you were there!" Sorbets words ring in my head like a bell. The words just rolled so easily of their tongue, as if they didn't give the statement more thought than they would a simple math problem. Maybe I'm overthinking this whole thing, maybe I'm just being weird and I need to cut it out. "-go? Mango!" I jump slightly, Sorbets words redirecting my thought stream. "Huh? Oh yeah- uh sorry! I was just day dreaming a little, bad habit." I rush out in an awkward ramble. "Yknow, I actually don't think day dreaming is a bad habit, its good to get lost in book stories, why not mind stories?" I blink a little, before cracking a smile. "I need to start looking at things like you more." Sorbet just smiles, and leans their head on their arms. A sigh escapes their lips, and then they smile yet again. "So Mango, whats it like where you're from?" I'm slightly taken aback by the question, but still more than happy to answer. "I'm from a cookie kingdom, its a place where cookies from all over have come together to share a space with one another. Its honestly the best place, my home resides on an island there. In the kingdom there's a lake. I chose it because it reminds me of where I first lived." I ramble on. It's a bad habit of mine, I start talking and I just can't stop, but it seems to get worse whenever I'm talking to Sorbet, I want them to know everything. Sorbet stares at me with wide eyes. "Wow Mango, that place sounds amazing! What about where you first came from?" I was expecting this question, so I responded with, "Its a small village in the Archlpelagos, most of the village folk were as sweet as the fruits they harvested!" I love my home, don't get me wrong, but my village will always hold a special place in my heart. "Most?" Crap. I love Sorbet's questions, but out of every question that they could have asked, that was the one they chose. I assume you want an explanation now? Fine. Back in my village there was this group of teenagers who were.... less than pleasant at best. They would constantly pick on the villagers. They liked to pick on one cookie in particular, and that cookie just so happened to be me. I was constantly baraded with rude insults and cruel jokes about myself. They hated me for my happy attitude and "feminine" interests. Such lost souls, I hope one day they find the peace that they are looking for, but past my sympathy is trauma. Talking about it is difficult for me even now. I think cookies can truly forget how much their words hurt.
    "Uhm, just some rotten teenagers, thats all" I struggle out, a forced laugh accompanies the sentence. "Mango, I don't know how to tell you this, we ARE teenagers." I stare at Sorbet for a second, before saying, "I don't see a spot of rot on me, I am as fresh as a mango!" I place an emphasis on the fresh, aswell as a pose at the end. A small snort escapes Sorbet, and my heart melts. Their snort sounds similar to a pigs snort, many might consider this embarrassing, but I think that it is simply adorable.
    The sun begins to set over our heads as our conversation goes on. Its still kinda amazing to me how I even ending up in this situation. One moment I was peacefully canoeing, and the next I'm here, on the shimmering sand of a beach, with a cookie who shines brighter than the sun. There's no point in even trying to deny it, I don't love Sorbet the way friends do, I love them the way lovers do. Everything they do gives me flutters, that smile, that laugh, and their caring personality. Is this what the cookies refer to as soulmates? People whose hearts and souls were perfectly connected, in a unique harmony that couldn't be broken. I can already tell, Sorbet is special, their skin carries this glow that is hard to describe, because it feels like only I can really see it. Love is an understatement, but the only problem is what are the chances that they feel the same..?
    A comfortable silence fell across us, our eyes glued to the gorgeous sunset. After a couple minutes, Sorbet stands up, and emerges from the water. I look up at Sorbet, only to see their hand out stretched. I grab their hand, and relish in its warmth as they pull me up. I stumble a little, before chuckling. "What are you up to?" I ask inbetween giggles. In response, they lightly take my other hand into theirs. "Is this you asking me to dance?" I say, with sarcastic intent, but my heart is hammering in my chest. They nod their head, and I can feel myself get red. Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!
  Sorbet wraps their arm around my waist, and we begin to dance across the sand. I wouldn't call it at all graceful, with my foot, but grace isn't what matters. We giggle throughout the entire dance, and I must admit, I definitely stepped on their toes more than once. Once the dance had ended, we just stood there. "Mango?" "Yeah?" "I love you."

Hello people of wattpad, I am infact still here. Being a fan of my writing must be so painful with my writing schedule, I sincerely apologize, it will 100% happen again. Anyways, yesterday I got two more cats! Now I have 4 for all, is that enough to call myself a crazy cat person? For the question of today's chapter, what is your personal least favorite cookie run ship? (No proship) mine is any ship with red velvet. We stan our aroace king.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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There's no need to be afraid: Mango x sorbet shark cookie Where stories live. Discover now