Being looped in

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T(Tessa); M(Mary); D(David) M2(Maxi); L(Luci); F(Felix); S(Steven): (all in Tessa's pov as always. Although I'm sure yall know the letters thing by now).

L: ok so, let's get introductions down first shall see?
T: sure I'll do it. Maxi, Luci, this is Felix.
F: hey.
L: hey so I hear your going out with David.
(David developed a slight blush)
F: yup.
M2: so, you going to be hanging with us now?
F: if it's ok with everyone, I would like to.
M: yeah, we'd love to have you.
T: ok moving on. Mary, David, Felix, this is Steven Luci's boyfriend.
D: nice to meet you.
S: you too. So is it ok if I sit with yall too?
D: of course the more the merrier.
M2: ok Felix, I got to ask, what's your gift?
L: Maxi that's a little rude to just flat out ask?
F: It's fine, really. I'm a dream reader.
L: that's so cool! I've never met one of those before.
D: ok so if we know what Felix's power is, now can I ask what Stevan's is?
S: yeah, I'll tell yall mine. I'm a, well I'm a...
L: they won't laugh.
S: ....I'm a merman sort of speaking...
(Mary nearly spit out her milk)
T: I-I'm sorry what?
M2: you heard him correct
D: I mean cool but like do you have a tail
S: no. I don't have a tail. I can breath under water, swim super fast, and I can see as though one is looking out of a telescope.
F: neat.
M: that's cool, but I'm can we get on the topic of interest.
M2: yeah, we would like to be brought into the loop thanks.
T: I take it you got David's text?
L: yeah we both did.
T: right. Well I think it's time that yall got the story of my life.
L: does that me were going to learn about your gift?
M2: you hardly tell anyone about it.
T: well lately I've told quite a few people.(I laugh but go serious and turn to Stevan). Can I trust you? And even if you and Luci break up, let's hope you don't, will you still hold it a secret if I wish?
S: yeah, of course. What kind of cold hearted person reveals a gift against the will of another. You can trust me, after all, who am I gonna tell, nemo?
(We laugh)
T: ok, well, Felix, I hate to ask but can you play the images I flash through my head for them?
F: I swear to god. Yeah, fine, I guess. If im projecting out of your mind, I'm going to need some expresso after this.
M: I'll make a coffee run. (She takes down our orders and leaves)
T: let's move to the living room shall we?
F: yes it will work better with you laying down.
(We all move to the couch. David sits next to Felix on the end, and I lay with my head in his lap)
T: yall don't mind do you? I figure it's easier to reach. And like I don't know I just want to clarify so it's not weird.
D: I know it's fine god just lay down already. (He smiles and pulls my shoulders to felix's lap)
F: ok Maxi, Luci, Stevan, I'm going to project it out, so sit looking at the couch. Just pretend your watching a movie in the cinema.

I close my eyes and allow Felix to play through my thoughts. At some points he speaks to me in my mind. Things like "I'm sorry" and "Tessa I swear you mind is so strong stop thinking so hard". That would cause me to laugh and I could sense him smirk.

He finished and slowly retracted his hands laughing some. "Wake up ms strong mind."

I open my eyes and laugh with him and David who also joined in. Mean while the three sat on the floor stock still. Probably for a couple of things, one, awe at how Felix can use his gift, two, at leading my gift, three, wonder at who or what Zander is.

Luci breaks their silence, "well. It's good to be in the loop at least, or I think it's I'm not so sure."

"We're going to ask mom later today about him. Don't worry. Now let's text Mary to meet us somewhere for breakfast. I'm starving, and I'm sure Felix need some kind of energy," I say.

"I sure as hell do," he smirks, "I think I'm going to save you in my phone as ms strong mind."

David laughs and says, "she's hard headed too most times."

We laugh, "he shut it you two." We laugh even more, "let's go get that coffee now."

"Damn do I need it, projecting really takes it out of someone."

We all agree that we tire after extensive use of our gifts and go eat.

Their Dreams, My Reality (Book 1 in the Mystic Dreams Series)Where stories live. Discover now