Role Call!

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"Are you serious? You want us to join THAT?!" Alexis Rhodes, Obelisk Blue 3rd year and the definition of confidence within her year. "First, you want me to be a dueling pop-star, and now you want me to be in a stage play? WHY?!" Alexis tossed the flyer at Atticus Rhodes, her airhead brother, before sitting down in the Slifer dorm hangout room. Jaden watched her huff up a storm next to him.

Her brother was looking forward to the after-school programs released to help with staying active on the island.  One of these programs was a drama club that announced tryouts later in the week. "Okay, okay, I get ya. But this isn't just you that I'm asking. I'm asking all of you to join. Come ooooon. It'll be fun!" Atticus gestured to the rest, giving eyes to Chazz, slumping over the rails so he could back him up. "Really? Come on, dude. Back me up."

Chazz thought about it, imagining Alexis in the lead female role of almost every play he could think of. "Well, I might have to say go for it. As long as I look good as the main character." The smug Princeton saw this as a great opportunity to one-up his easily excitable rival. Speaking of said rival, he looked at Jaden with a smirk, and to his annoyance, he was talking to the Crystal Beast user, Jesse Anderson. "Uh, hello! Slacker, are you even listening?"

"Huh? Sorry, I wasn't listening." Jaden Yuki, Slifer Red 3rd year and best duelist on the island. He had just been talking to Jesse about the play, seeming interested in it. "We were thinking about doing backstage stuff. I'm not one to be on stage like that. Especially if I have to put on a frilly outfit and sing. If it's a musical- What's the play anyways?" He saw Chazz groan in the corner.

Atticus perked up. "It's Cinderella! So set design has to be GORGEOUS!" He got all excited, not realizing the glimmer in Jaden's eyes.

"Wait, seriously?! Okay, I'm in!" He looked around; Jesse, Alexis, Syrus, Chazz, and Hasslebarry looked confused at Jaden. Syrus chimed in after the awkward silence.

"Really, Jay? I didn't think you liked princess stories. I thought stories like Batman would get you excited. I mean, you own a good stack of comic books." The younger Truesdale poked fun at Jaden a bit.

"No, I'm serious! Cinderella is awesome! She's an amazing hero!" He pumped his fist in the air, still getting confused looks. "Maybe I should explain. When I was a kid, some told me the story. I can't remember if it was parents or even a duel monster. It could have been. Anyways, I was told that Cinderella defended herself against her evil stepmother and stepsisters by being the most confident girl. She even brought them to justice with the help of the Prince, though he isn't the main part of the story. She was badass and took charge! In the end, she married the Prince and inspired everyone to speak up, becoming the ultimate hero."

"That. . . Was actually a really nice rendition of the story, Jay." Jesse responded to Jaden's story. Jaden gave a large smile to his friend after the compliment. "It's a fresh take. And definitely fitting for you, Jay." He patted Jaden's back, receiving a thumbs up from him.

Atticus came over and put Jaden in a headlock. "Well, you'll be my wingman- hehe, get it?- in getting everyone to join. And I mean all of you! Because sometimes we need to do something without card games. I know, shocker." Atticus looked at everyone. "So what do you say? You don't have to be in the cast. Just like Jaden and Jesse here, you can be the backstage crew."

Syrus looked between Hassleberry and Alexis to see what they would do. And to his annoyance, they agreed. "Fine. But I better not be cast as tree number 2, or I'm leaving!" Syrus mumbled something that Jaden couldn't hear, but he was sure it was some complaint.

Atticus celebrated by dancing around like a kid on Christmas day while everyone discussed what they thought about it. Jaden planned on helping with set design and backstage handling along with Jesse. Syrus thought about trying out for a role but would stay with Jaden so that he could at least get some time with him.  Jaden chuckled at Chazz posing as Prince Charming and begged Alexis to be Cinderella because he knew she'd get the role instantly. Atticus didn't say what he would be, but Jaden felt like he was behind something but couldn't put his finger on it. Hassleberry was content being a helper backstage with Jaden and Jesse just as long as he followed his Sarge into battle. And with the auditions only a week away, the group could only pass the time with card games and classes. And Jaden could only focus on the card games portion.

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