Searching For Answers

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Chapter 1

Grace POV

Looking out the airplane window, all that had happened in the past few days dawned on me. I still couldn't believe it. I still had so many questions and no answers. First of all I lost my mother, well the woman I had believed for the past 20 years to be my mother, Janneth Angel. Then I find out that my birth mother, Kierah Whiels had died four years ago but not before leaving me, me a note, a note that answered some questions. Like the fact that my real name what Grace Kaneswaran Whiels, I still couldn't wrap my mind around that one. My nationality was not Mexican-American, I was Irish and British. It was all too much.

"I think I'm going to go insane before all this is over." I huffed.

I had to try to sleep some. After 3 days of rushing back and forth between My mother's place and my biological mother's and the morgue, and Kyle's, I just hadn't rested at all. But now was my chance I had at least 6 hours to sleep before I arrived in London. In search of some answers, and i was determined to find them. I sent a small prayer and hoped mothers heard. I was about to doze off when "Everyone please stay in your seat, I'm sorry for your inconvenience but we are going to be half an hour late on our departure time due to engine difficulty. Please remain seated and we'll be bringing snacks and drink around. Once a again I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Ughhh....Oh wells at least I'm in VIP, Thank You Kyle for insisting on luxury. I smiled and snuggled into my pillow once again, and dozed off.

Nathan Pov

"Mates hurry we're going to miss the plane run!" I said. They looked back and glared at me.

Siva replied," You know what, If you hadn't insisted on showering before we left the hotel and you hadn't-"

"Taken so long getting dressed. Maybe we wouldn't be running late!" finished Tom.

"Boys, Boys calm down there is nothing we can do right now let's go and hope the plane hasn't departed yet. Come on." replied Max as he headed over to the flight attendant. I saw him as he talked to her and hoped we made it in time. I saw Max walk back with a smile on his face.

"So what happened did we make it?"asked Jay. "Jay yes, we did make it." Everyone stopped and looked right at me..."What, we made it didn't we. Stop looking at me!' "Okay mates lets go, we only have 10 minutes to board, we got lucky the airplane engine had some difficulties and was grounded for 30 minutes. Come on lets go before we actually miss it this time.'

We all grabbed our bags and started walking into the check in. We checked in, then an attendant walked us to the VIP area on the plane. When we got there everyone chose a seat, since they were all empty except for the one near the bar entrance, the attendant didn't seem to mind.

"I'm sorry you mates, its all my fault!"I said as soon as we all sat down in our seats.

"Its alright mate we forgive you. Right boys?!" said Max getting mumbled replies by the rest.

I turned and looked out the window. No sooner had five minutes passed I started hearing snores coming from all around me, I knew i was not going to be able to sleep, so I decided to go to the bar. I knew I was not going to be able to get a drink but at least I would be far away from the guys' snoring. I was walking down the hall when

"Ladies and Gentlemen Please-"


Grace POV

"Ahhh...!' I felt a lump of fear in my throat. "Oh god are you okay?" replied a young man.

"Omg, yea, I'm fine, just got startled a bit.' I sat up and tried to straighten my clothes out a bit.

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