Lemon comment sections are the best

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You can find people being all horny and fangirl-y and that's just plain amusing sometimes

You can find people just,, having a wholesome conversation???? and the place they're conversing just makes that hilarious

You can find people laughing at the wording of stuff either repeating it or making a joke out of it

You can find people pointing out the scientifically inaccurate shit

You can find people like me screaming about WHERE'S THE DAMN CONSENT

You can find people just wholesomely thanking the author, and like yes nsfw artists, authors, actors, etc. are talented individuals worthy of praise but there's something so funny about someone reading about people fricking and then saying "Thank you so much I really enjoyed reading :D"

You can find the people who aren't into lemons or the character and they're just there to leave comments about how they're uncomfortable

So many golden genital jokes

Sometimes the author doesn't put a warning and then there's just people screaming because THEY DIDN'T EXPECT THIS

Sometimes you'll find me crying about how I'll never be able to see the character the same again

It's a fucking train wreck and I love it

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