an irony

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She had never thought rejection would be this hurt.
No, it is indeed hurt.
And she already expected that.
Rejection was always expected to be this hurt.

What she has never expected before, is that you can hurt her more than just a rejection.
The opportunity you passed, the sincerity you threw, the innocent you killed.
Weren't that enough?

The moment you rejected the feeling, she cried.
The moment you chose another flower, her purest and most beautiful petal fell.
The moment you threw the sincerity, she began to break.
The moment you killed the innocent, she lost herself.

Weren't that enough?
You were not a villain.
Not even a bastard, you have never been.
But the moment she gave you her whole universe, you chose to be one.
What an irony.

casually cruelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang