Like crying every fucking minute
Yeah it's because of the hate accounts, FUCKKATE65 FUCKKATE55 FUCKKATE45 .
But it's also because how much it reminds me of real life.
In school, I get more hate than I do here.
In school, I have less people depending me than I do here.
In school, nobody would bother making a protective cult for me.
In school, they made a protective cult for the haters.
In school, it's nothing but torture and pain for me, tbh
I joined Wattpad in the first place to find people who care
Instead, I got people who hate.
In school, it's hard enough.
In Wattpad, even though the whole school isn't ganging up on me,
I feel worthless.... if I wasn't, idk why anyone would hate me this much
I feel worthless