Chapter 2 I Alex Giovanna Will Pass

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Alex's P.O.V.

It's been a month since me and Jotara became friends. We have been hanging out with each other every Saturday and at school since then, she's great with Giorno, and she's really cool. My feelings for her have only grown. Right now I'm waiting for Jotara at the train station since today is the day for the entrance exam.

Jotara: Hey Alex!

I heard Jotara say in a louder voice than usual

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I heard Jotara say in a louder voice than usual.

Alex: Hey JoJo. How are you doing?

Jotara: I'm Alright, you?

Damn right you're alright. You're better than alright, you're hot as fuck.

Alex: I've been better, I'm worried about Giorno though, it's the first time I've left him with a babysitter.

Jotara hugs me.

Jotara: It's gonna be alright, you should trust them.

That's another thing I should mention, ever since we started hanging out, shes been helping me out with my paranoia. She's been a good friend to me.

Brother I A-

My phone started to go off, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Caller ID: Racist #4/BESTO FRIENDO!

Why's Mista calling me?

Alex: Uhh sorry I gotta take this Jotara.

Jotara: It's ok I'll go get you a train pass.

Jotara said walking towards the Ticketmaster. (Whatever The Hell They're Called)

I answered the phone.

Alex: Hey Mista how's it going?

Mista: Hey Alex..... I'm sorry to ask you this but.....


I sigh. This has happened a few times, it's normally in the DVD player.

Alex: Have you guys checked the DVD player?

Mista: Abbacchio, check the DVD Player!

Abbacchio: FOUND IT! Thank Alex for me.

Mista: Abbacchio says t-

Alex: Thank You, I know. Hey I miss you guys but I really have to go, have to take some exams, I'll call you guys later.

Mista: Alright. See ya light bright.

Alex: See ya Racist #4.

I say hanging up. I chuckle and walk up towards the train station.

Jotara: Hey I'm over here.

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