Chapter 3 Entrance Exam (Short)

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Jotara smirks and nods. The doors opened and we ran in.

Alex: JoJo, I'm gonna stick with you since my Stand is long range. I'll be a decoy, and remember I was in a gang you don't need to worry about me.

Jotara: I'm not putting you in danger.

Alex: Fine, I'll help you still.

Jotara: Alright.

I sent CMR to get me some points and rescue those who needed rescuing. I would help Jotara by, punching/Kicking the mock villains towards her. But then the biggest mock Villain showed up.

Alex: Let's do the combo.

Jotara smirks.

Jotara: Which one?

Alex: The Burning Star.

Jotara: Just the one I was hoping for.

CMR appears next to me.

Alex: Ready?

Jotara: Hell Yeah.

CMR stands next to Star Platinum, and puts his hand on her shoulder and blue flames encase them. Jotara used her stand ability to jump high enough to get above its head.

Jotara/Alex: BURNING STAR!

Both of our stands while encased in blue flames started pummeling the giant mock villain Simultaneously melting and crushing it.


Jotara landed next to me unscathed, we turned away as it exploded, then we fist bumped and so did our stands.

Alex: Easy.

With The Pro Heroes.

All of the pros looked at the 2 shocked.

???: We're gonna have to make a new score.

???2: Teamwork right?

???3: No it'd be Ninja Points, of course its teamwork points. I swear you're an idiot All Might.

New Score Added: Teamwork Points.

After The Entrance Exam Alex's P.O.V.

I was walking back home with Jotara, we were in silence for whatever reason.

Jotara: So, I know you and your brother's living arrangements aren't the best.

Alex: Where are you going with this?

I asked curiously.

Jotara: Well, I was wondering if you'd want to move in with me? I already asked my mom and she said it was ok.

I chuckled.

Alex: You mean you told her that me and Giorno are moving in don't you?

Jotara: Yeah. Well what do you say?

Alex: I-

Jotara: Actually before you answer let me tell you the pros. Y-

Alex: Jotara, I'll do it. It would be great I could quit my jobs and spend more time with you and Giorno.

Jotara: Alright.

She says relieved.

Alex: I just gotta pack up our clothes.

Jotara: Don't you have anything else to pack?

I shake my head.

Alex: I keep my prized possessions in my bag so no one will steal them. I think Giorno does to. So yeah let's go...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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