Chapter 9 - The Combat Tournament Special Exam

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"Um. Well, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. And uh, as you guys can see, I've transferred over from class C... I'll do my best to get along with all of you... Uh, nice to meet you all."

Damn, I really screwed it up again, 2 whole years later after my original introduction to class D and not much has changed, maybe I'm just bad at self introductions. Ah, whatever... The class stared at me and my awkward speech, I heard some giggle across the classroom but I ignored it. Sakayanagi was now beside me as she lifted her arm to quieten the class.

"I'd like everyone's attention for a moment, as you all can see, we have a new student now. From today on out, Ayanokoji-kun will be a leader in the class along with me so please do your best to meet his expectations. I trust you all will fulfill my request? As normal as Ayanokoji-kun seems, I would like all of you to have full belief in me when I say, there's no one better than him you can receive instructions from so let's continue winning by even bigger margins." Exclaimed Sakayanagi to the class A.

Most students nodded even though they were confused while a select few looked discontent, one of them being Miki Yamamura.

"Heh? Why should I have to listen to him? Apparently he's held in high regard by you Sakayanagi-san but has he showed us anything special? For all we know, he's above average at best." Said Yamamura to Sakayangi

"I suppose it's true you bunch haven't seen anything first hand but does that mean you distrust my judgment? Ayanokoji-kun only seems that way to you because he's been holding back his abilities during his time here at this school so I would like for you to wait until you see some results before you make rash comments Miki-chan." Sakayanagi fired back

She had a visible look of disgust on her face but backed out from going any further.

"If you say so Sakayanagi-san..." She replied before sitting back down

Another student, Hashimoto stood up, although he was finding this out along with the rest of his classmates. It seemed like he had a better grasp of the situation even without having full details of it.

"I back Sakayangi's words, I'll put my trust in Ayanokoji's calls if it's needed cus' I've done my fair bit of scouting and that's the conclusion I've come up with, I'd like all of you guys to do the same and just comply by trying to understand Ayanokoji's requests. If you don't trust Sakayanagi and my very own judgment now, you may come to regret it as a class soon ." He exclaimed to the students.

The students were now slowly starting to drift towards a more positive attitude after seeing Yamamura back down and Hashimoto, who's one of the central figures of the class support Sakayanagi. Although they would've had to comply with Sakayanagi no matter what, now they would be willingly doing it.

"Um, I don't ask much of you guys but I hope to create good bonds with you and I'm hoping you guys can fulfill my requests if I ever have any, All I want is to win more with class A. Sakayanagi-san simply has requested for me to help her in making the margin between classes so large that we will never be in risk of getting passed." I told them

That was a lie, I couldn't care less about creating "bonds" with the students, all I needed was for them to just simply listen to me. This would be much easier than having to acquire pawns through hard work and instead, I'd be getting them for free now due to Sakayangi's power. All I need is the availability of all these students, by making them stick to me by showing I can win since they are yet to see anything. The most important pieces I'll need are Hashimoto and Kamuro, I should get to work on that later. I also lied about Sakayanagi making that request to me but it seems like she understood and didn't speak of it.

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