Welcome to atlas

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(Next, we see Jackson, Cormack, and many fellow servicemen at a funeral for Will Irons)

(We also see Jonathan Irons, Will's father among the mourners)

(Mitchell has his left arm stump in a sling, and Coda has a patch over his right eye)

Cormack: And so it is time to say farewell to Private William Robert Irons. A man that I had the privilege and honor to have under my command. A life is only important in proportion to it's impact on the lives of others. And by that standard, Private Irons was among one of our very best. He leaves behind family, friends, fellow marines, and a grateful nation

(Everyone pays their respects to Will's body)

(Mitchell and Coda hang their heads and shed some tears)

Cormack: I'm sorry. Both of you. Will was one of our best. Look, we take care of our own. If you ever need anything-

Irons: Excuse me, Private Mitchell? And Coda, was it? My name is Jonathan Irons. I'm Will's father

(Jonathan Irons shakes hands with Mitchell and Coda)

Cormack: Mr. Irons. I'm sorry for your loss

Irons: I'm sure you are, Sergeant. Privates. You were Will's best friends. And all three of you paid too high a price for your country

Cormack: It was an unfortunate tragedy, sir

Irons: It was more than unfortunate, Sergeant, it was also unnecessary. Listen. I want to offer you both a second chance

Cormack: Mr. Irons, they've both been honorably discharged. With Private Mitchell missing an arm and Coda missing an eye-

Irons: I'm well aware of their injuries, Sergeant. At atlas, we have prosthetics that are 20 years beyond anything the military could offer you. Will talked about both of you, told me what kind of men you are. You deserve to fight for a military as effective as you are. With your skill and my technology-

Cormack: You can't actually be considering this?

Irons: Think about it

(Irons gives Mitchell and Coda each an atlas business card)

(And before they know it, they take Kevin Spacey up on his offer)

(Irons personally oversees the operation where Mitchell gets a bionic arm that's very lifelike. And Coda gets a cybernetic eye that glows red)


(Mitchell and Coda are with their new friend Joker, and a squad of other atlas agents, preparing for an operation)

(They all gear up and put on their exo suits. Mitchell and Coda are now wearing their atlas gear)

Joker: Ok, everyone knows what to do. Get into position

(Everyone loads their silenced submachine guns and starts sneaking up to a small building. They take cover behind some trees)

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