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(Captured in the previous chapter, Mitchell, Coda, Gideon, Ilona, Joker, and Cormack are on a truck with some other inmates being wheeled into a high security atlas prison)

Gideon: Stay alert. Any detail could make a difference

Ilona: What is this place?

Gideon: It used to be a research lab. Looks like Irons modified it since

Mitchell: What did they research?

Joker: I think it had something to do with medical advancements or something

Coda: Well, it's a prison. And I've got a hunch the scientists are performing experiments with the prisoners as the test subjects

(The truck stops, making everyone look around)

Gideon: This is it. The only way we survive this is by keeping our heads. Wait for an opportunity

Joker: They stripped us of all our gear, and our exos are gone

Coda: We're not completely screwed just yet

Mitchell: I hope you're right

Coda: Trust me (Wink)

(A couple of atlas agents literally toss everyone out of the truck and onto the concrete ground. They all get up and walk into an elevator)

Gideon: How'd you even end up here?

Cormack: Our air support was wiped out when manticore hit. I was outside the blast radius, but our squad was surrounded and out gunned

Ilona: Is there a rescue force coming for us?

Cormack: Downtown is contaminated. We've pulled out of the city entirely. I don't think anybody's coming

(The elevator doors open, and the prison guards literally pull everyone out of the elevator and start shoving them into the hall. Anyone not moving fast enough is hit by a baton)

(A bunch of the inmates are getting beaten and brutalized by the guards)

(An inmate stops to look at everything im horror, but he get whacked by a baton)

Guard: Eyes front!

(The inmates are marched towards some rooms. Mitchell, Coda, Gideon, Ilona, Cormack, and Joker are put in a room together, and are given inmate jumpsuits)

Guard: Get changed. You have three minutes

(The guard walks out of the room, and Joker goes wide eyed)

Joker: You mean we gotta change out in the open in front of each other like this?

Coda: Apparently. Lets get stripping

(Coda doesn't even care if anyone gets a peek at his muscular toned body as he changes into his jumpsuit)

(Mitchell and Gideon shrug and follow along, but Joker still is frozen in fear)

Mitchell: Dude, we change in front of each other all the time in the locker room, what's the problem?

Joker: I'm self conscious, ok?! Not to mention Ilona's in here with us!

Ilona: Boys, face that wall, and I'll face this one. No peeking. That means you two knuckleheads

(Joker gives Ilona a "WTF" expression)

Coda: If this is about that mission in Greece, you could have chosen anywhere else in that building to change other than right in front of me

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