The Day it all went down!

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(Who else read the title and starting singing, "The day it all went down, the day I got expelled!")

Percy's Pov: 

Previously on How His day has changed: 

"The only problem was when I got back to camp, that was my problem...."

  I was walking into the camp; everyone was looking at me with dangerously rude glares. Thats when I spotted outside the Zues cabin, it was the seven minus me and Annabeth. I walked over to them. As soon as I was spotted walking towards them, they all got up like they were trying to avoid me. "Frank, Hazel it's so good to see you how's the Roman Camp?" I asked seeing, them at camp was strange we never saw them here. "Not good, no thanks to you." Hazel said each word filled with anger as everyone walked away. Frank as he walked by though punched a solid punch into my gut. I hunch over, I stood there for a minute. What is everyone's problem.

  I go to the Athena cabin to ask Annabeth on a date, I was so focused on the perfect date for tonight the one where Ill pop the question. Tyson was being really nice and was going to create the ring and drop it off later this afternoon. I knocked so excited to see the look on my Wise girls face when she sees I'm okay and I have returned from my quest. One of the younger, newer campers peaked out the door. When they noticed it was me, they look furious, ready to kill me. I probably only seen this camper maybe once or twice; why is everyone acting so weird today. I smile down at her even though she looks ready to kill, "hi, is Annabeth in the cabin?" the camper quickly said a small, "no" before slamming the door shut. Weird I thought not even giving the camper a second thought, I walked down to the archery range. Everywhere I turned though one of my old friends would glare and throw a punch or a slab at me, walking away with only mumbling under the breath, "Ya right, personal loyalty! Annie wouldn't say so now." 

  At the archery range I was still receiving tons of death stares. I then noticed, Nico and Will right next to each other helping some younger campers. "Hey, have you guys seen Annabeth?" Nico and Will both glace up to me and instead of the glares everyone else has given me they walk over to me, and Will puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Percy, welcome back. Come take a walk with me and Nico on the beach, okay?" I scrunch up my face in confusion but a nod and an okay later we are walking towards the beach. On are way we were stopped by many of my friends one by one they came over to me and punched, kicked, and sworn at me to die. Will and Nico just kept me walking and decided to ignore me until we got to the beach. When we got to the beach, I couldn't hold back anymore, "okay, you two need to connect the dots. Why does everyone here hate me? Where's Annabeth?" 

  Will sighed as he sat down, I proceeded to sit as well. Nico just sat down staring at the water while, Will stared at me in my eyes, "Percy, there's a new camper. His name is Branson, it all started when he came to camp. He and Annabeth started talking to each other. Branson was told all the stories of what you ever did in your life. He was jealous, he wanted what you had. So, he went to the forest. Instead of fighting monsters, he was losing badly. Annabeth stepped into the fight. But was stabbed by one of the cyclops. Branson was able to stab the cyclops before it hurt him." By this time, I felt tears threatening to spill. "He took Annabeth back to camp where she died in his arms. When he arrived back, he told everyone he saw you stab Annabeth after an argument. Nico feeling Annabeth's life slowly entering the underworld quickly shadowed traveled to the forest to see what was going on. Everyone believed Bransons lie. Percy I'm so sorry, but you have to go. Athena's more than mad at you and the rest of the council took a vote they want you dead. We were able to convince them to let you at least have a day at camp before your trial, but we already know how the vote is going to end." We all stood up out of the sand, I went and hugged Will and Nico and whispering repeatedly in their ears, "thanks for believing in me, guys." 


  I watch as a single tear make its way down Percy Jacksons face, in all the years I've ever known him I realized I've never seen him cry. Me and Nico watch as he enters the water. As soon as Percy Jackson is gone all the elements around us freak out. There seems to be an earthquake, rain and lightning is in the sky with thunder clouds, the sun in covered and everything is gray. The plants around us seems to die from a gorgeous green to a grey. Me and Nico turn to see the whole strawberry field dead. Everyone is outside, fricking out and running around. 

  After five minutes it finally stops and there's a bright light. The next thing we all know we are on Olympus; the gods are arguing so fast none of us can keep up with what they're saying. Suddenly Chiron clears his throat, and everyone is quiet and looks at him. "Gods, goddesses, what do we owe the pleasure of this meeting?" Chiron says while bowing. Zues looks actually concerned, "Chiron, did all the campers at camp half-blood use their powers?" Now it was Chiron who was pale as a ghost, "No, lord Zues, we were doing are normal activities." Athena spoke up first, "See that's exactly what I said! Demeter, Poseidon, and you father, need to learn to stop arguing it causes you to use your powers on poor unsuspecting demigods! Now can we please have the vote to get rid of the Poseidon demon?!" The room was quiet for what felt like eternity when Poseidon spoke, "It was not us. I swear it! It felt like someone close though. Maybe Triton? But I can tell you, it was not I, who caused the earthquake." Zues looked around the room and finally meet eyes with Athena, "Nor was it I who, caused the lightning and the storm clouds. I'm not convinced though it could have been Jason or Thalia they are very skilled, and I would not be surprised if they were one of my strongest demigod children. They both come from a very strong woman, they are just..."  Zues was then cut off my Poseidon hunch over coughing up anchor. (God blood for those who don't know.) In between coughs Poseidon tries to say something, "No... *cough*...That...*cough*...s not possible... *cough*...why would he...*cough*... do that." Everyone is looking at Poseidon when all of a sudden, he jerks back up all fine. Everyone stares at him, completely silent. Poseidon looked a little pained and looked at Zues, "Percy, ατμός traveled!" Everyone was confused as the gods looked shocked! We all recognized the Greek in the sentence to translate to Vapor, but what was vapor travel? Zues the first one to recover from the shock quickly said, "Where did he go?" Poseidon looked pained, "Alaska, Percy is now in Alaska beyond the gods." 

(1254 Words)

Thanks again for reading, I'm so excited for the next chapter and I still have time to write more so I probably have the next chapter out soon! Like maybe tomorrow? Thanks again!

Peace out from a fellow Percy Jackson Fans! (: 

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