Why you so calm?

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Imma say this really quick and easy, I don't own Percy Jackson! Thanks for reading. 

Artemis Pov: I see Thalia leave me and run to the back of the house. I slowly approach the house cautious of any traps. Once I got to the door, I realized there was a note on it. The letter was in Greek and translated to English as, "come in, I'll be back soon. Shut the doors fast and please don't hurt my puppies they won't hurt you! Thanks Artemis! :) -From Lost" 

I roll my eyes; this guy is too prideful. I can tell, he is ignorant like every man on this earth! I do what the letter says and with my bow drawn I walk in and close the door fast, its softly so that if he is home, he wouldn't notice the sound. As soon as the door closed the door black hellhound puppies ran up to me! I was about to fire my bow but instead of attacking they came and started licking at my shoes. I then looked around the house finally taking it in. I was standing in a small cabin house. I was halfway in the kitchen and halfway in the living room.  I walked straight to a hallway where I found a room, the door was closed and when I went to open it the knob wouldn't even move a tiny bit. I could sense some magic at work. I tried kicking down the door. After a while I just gave up and continued. 

I soon open another door to a bathroom. This one looked like everyone was in order like no one has ever been here to use the bathroom. I kept walking to a bedroom, the bed was sloppily made and in the closet was multiple black clothing and black masks. In the desk drawers were pieces of paper that were blank or had different drawings of some of the new demigods. I then found the jackpot, a diary! I open it up not giving a second thought it started on and entry of January 13th it was a Friday. The entry started like this as I pull out the desk chair and read, "I don't want to forget any of the demigods I meet during my journeys, so I start this with a promise to read this often and remember the demigods I saved. This might turn out as a failure, if I only save one demigod. January 13th, I know thirteen is a pretty bad number meaning bad luck. My entire life I have had bad luck so maybe to embrace my bad luck I make it turn to a good luck! Alaska isn't that bad but I'm going to the states to help out demigods. Tomorrow is my first day back of course to help demigods not just for myself and those who still have loyalty in me."

I finish it up and turn the page another entry on January 14th and it begins with a name Bella Vernia. I flip to the next skimming through the titles. I freeze when I recognize these names. Some are in my hunt. All saying the mystery man named lost helped them. I stop at another one confused the name dangles in my mind. Sarah Trunce, she joined my hunt but never told me she was led by the mystery man. I ignore the new knowledge because Sarah has just barely been able to come out of her shell and finally start talking to the girls in the hunt. I think of all the times I find her sitting away from the others during any meals. I was cut short from my thinking by a sound. I quickly raise my bow and put the journal back. I follow the sound back to the living room where I find one less puppy on the floor. Weird I think as I decide to keep exploring the house. I walk past the locked room again, and past the bedroom to the door at the end of the hallway. I slowly open it up to have all the puppies run into the door just behind me. 

As I enter the room, I see the puppies all around a big black hellhound. The hellhound looks at me and then starts the growl I raise my bow at the dog. Ready to shoot if it tries getting anywhere near me. 

Percys Pov: As I jog into the house just after talking to Thalia, I hear a growl. I ran to Mrs. O'Leary's room I had for her when she wanted to stay in the house. I made a giant doggy door for her to enter and exit at any time she pleases. I run past Artemis as I enter. As soon as I reach Mrs. O'leary I pat her one the head. "Hey girl, it's okay. Artemis is not here to hurt your puppies. Zoe's with Thalia she wanted to play with her. Artemis here would never threaten to hurt your puppies. Do want the puppies to stay here with you know?" Mrs. O'leary licks me which is a sign of yes. So, I guide a sad Artemis out of the room and close the door. Knowing that I was so going to have to explain why I named one of my puppies Zoe and why I was talking to Thalia. 

I lead Artemis to the living room where I sat down across from her. She crossed her arms. 

"How did you get Mrs. O'leary here Percy?" I knew there were some gods and goddesses that would know it was me with out and doubt. An example being the twin gods, and Hades. Apollo found out when he got curious to where Will went and flashed to him in the middle of are monthly visit so he knows who I am. Artemis already had to many clues to who I could be with Mrs. O'leary here and the puppies name being Zoe. Also, Hades has a weird thing with spirts and knowing what there spirt feels like. I don't know I just try to play along with these things. I sighed, "I don't know, and please call me by my mortal name, Hunter. Percy is died, and forever will be." 

"Hunter... Thats going to get some getting some used to." 

"Yup," I signed again.

"Perc....Hunter, you know you can come back, right?" 

I shake my head, "Ya I do, Nico and Will are trying to convince me to come back just for the war. "

"It's hard because Chaos told us it was coming, and to be prepared but we have to prophecy to guide us." 

My eyes go wide, and my mouth goes to the floor, "You haven't heard it yet?" 

Now its Artemis's turn to have her eyes wide, "Wait what there's a prophecy, why haven't I heard it?" 

I shrug, "I have no idea, Chiron must have not had time to have a meeting on it yet. It goes like this,

Only one can bring the victory to Olympus

With the help of mystery and his moral compass

With a choice to reveal his fallen past

One may die making the war be over fast

Artemis, this means this war can be over if someone dies. What if that one person is me? Die for those who broke my fatal flaw. How can I do that if now I have a growing family. I have 7 puppies with names of my fallen friends. Annabeth, Luke, Zoe, Silena, Beckendorf, Michael, Bob... I hold onto the past Artemis still. My new fatal flaw is holding onto the past. No one has broken their fatal flaw, but others can break it for them. Thats what the fates told me! They told me that without a flaw I'm too perfect so they thought to be nice they would give me a new one plus my old one Ish." I say sarcastically. I think back to the day the fates visited me, telling me my new fatal flaw to add onto my old one. I never really thought about it till now. I guess I just hide it away.

Artemis Pov: Percy seemed heart broken. "Well, you can't break it, but others can. I can break your fatal flaw, Percy! I will promise to keep your puppies safe while we fight the war. Plus, it said you may die, it might not even be you. Not saying you will die. Annabeth would want you to go back and help the people that helped you. Not to leave Nico and Will into another war." He seems so depressed. He was probably thinking about my offer. "On three conditions," He says finally, I nod as he continues, "First if I do die, still find someone to look after the puppies probably Nico. They have little leashes on them that has their names, just take care of them. Two, I will not show my true self until I'm ready to do so. And three, call me Hunter not Percy." I nod, "I accept your terms and conditions...." I pause, "Hunter."

(1500 Words)

I know this is stupid, but I spent so long on that prophecy worrying that it was stupid. It probably is stupid. But I hope other than the prophecy you all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading it!

Peace out from a fellow Percy Jackson Fans! (:

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