Chapter 1 - Sewers

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My name is Ciara, 19 years old, and studying in the Gremond University's Fursond branch. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore. Just a day ago, everything went to shit. All you see is dead mutilated corpses everywhere, and a lot of them are moving. Just on the way here, they've swarmed us, but luckily we survived. We crashed into a sewer full of weird green goop, with only one barred hole in the ceiling that illuminates the area and the growls and moans of those things echoes through the solid concrete walls. The area smells of chemicals and crap; not even hobos of Drayton would live here. Worst of all, I need to bring two weak magic users from the Ishtaro branch, but I can't really leave them behind, can I?

"Umm.. Ciara?" the girl talked. This one is Vi. She has blonde hair and fair skin, and wearing her usual mage outfit.

"Hmm?" I responded and looked at Vi and she immediately avoided eye contact.

"I think we should move and go somewhere else."

"Not now.. the lurkers are still mobile above ground level.." I paused while fiddling with my rifle ", i only have 10 bullets left.." I stood and walked to patrol whether they've reach the place or not.

After the last word that came out of my mouth, silence came and only my footsteps, and their growls and moans was emitted. I went back and sat down. After quite a while, a light came from a third party. This one was Keir. Although he isn't really one, you can get a nerdy vibes on him. He has black hair and glasses. What more could you get from a nerd person?

Given the situation, I realized that this might attract attention to us so I asked with a nagging tone. "What are you doing?" Being totally ignored, I asked again,but not at Keir,but at Vi.

"Ah, don't worry its a surveillance spell. It usually gives sight to the places the user have been" She replied. Vi usually answers for Keir, this is for the fact that he doesn't talk much. And apparently Vi knows what he's always thinking about.

"I just sure hope so. I don't want our temporary utopia to end so quickly" with sarcasm.

Seconds after, the light became to slowly glow more and more time by time, and finally it went off with a huge flash which staggered the three of us and leaving us sightless.

"Argh- Crap, what was that?" rubbing my eyes in futile act to regain sight. After a short while, I regained my vision. "Keir.." I said angrily.

He mumbled "-m so-ry".

"Just, don't do that again" I stood up and once again patrolled the area.

Just as I looked towards the end of the sewers, I saw crowd of them, quickly moving forward our direction. "Crap! I got careless!" and ran towards Vi and Keir and grabbed them by their wrists and made a dash towards the red door below the sign EXIT and I looked back and saw that the safest place we've been gets taken over by destructive beings that literally follows you until you've reach the horizon.

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