Revenge Is Sexy Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I was currently at work right now bored as hell. I worked in customer service for T-Mobile and answering phones all day for rude people were annoying. It was a Sunday and I just wanted to be home laying with Danny. Me and Danny met in my junior year of high school. But he was a junior in college. I hated it when my parents or Mitch set me up with people but he was different. Mitch introduced us and something just click between us. This man was my world but I been unhappy lately because all I want is for him is to propose and he hasn't done that yet. But he was a dread head, tall, dark skin, sexy smile and a nice body. Is it crazy that I was still a virgin. We haven't sleep together yet because I at least wanted to wait till the ring was on the finger. I just lean back in my chair and stared at the ceiling when the phone started ringing. I sucked my teeth knowing I was about to deal with another annoying customer.

Camille: What

Danny: Lol I don't think that's how you supposed to answer the phone

Camille: Lol I'm just annoyed baby some bitch not to long ago had the nerve to get mad at me because her phone was shut off. Like its not my fault you can't afford $100 a month. You better walk around with a house phone or one of those damn track phones

Danny: Lol you something else but babe tonight I have a surprise for you. You will see when you get home

Camille: Danny you know I hate surprises

Danny: I know but you won't be disappointed I promise

Camille: I would love to stay and talk but my boss is coming gotta go love you bye

I quickly hung up the phone but I know my boss has already seen me. I really couldn't stand that man. He walked up to me with a angry face.

Boss: What did I tell you about taking personal calls but anyway I've gotten several complaints lately about a certain worker attitude and tone. Now we are getting sued and I have no choice but to fire you

Camille: Your joking right

Boss: You got 20 minutes to be out of the building

After that he walked off. I really cannot believe I just got fired. I cleaned everything off my desk and left without looking back. I don't even no why it bothered me anyway, I hated that job. I decided to stop at Kim's house before going home.

When I got home and walked into our bedroom I seen a beautiful red dress laying on the bed and a note next to it.

Camille get dress and meet at the Palace hotel by 10. Let me know when you get there I'll be waiting. Love you so much baby and can't wait to see you


I smiled like a little school girl that just got candy. I took a shower then got dress. This dress was nice, it was a v-neck that showed a little cleavage, was sparkly and hug my body. It was short and showed off a lot of leg but I didn't mind. I wore no panties tonight because I enjoy teasing Danny. He gets irritated when I tease him though but he eventually laughs about it. I got dress and Mitch decided to give me a ride there. When I got there I seen Mitch waiting for me in front of the door. He open my car door and looked me up and down in a seductive way. I kissed his cheek and we made our way to the hotel. We sat down in a beautiful expensive restaurant.

Camille: Baby are you sure this place is expensive

Danny: I'm very sure and I longer work as a security in that mall. I work for Mitch now as his assistant

Camille: Well good for you baby I'm proud

Danny: How was work

Camille: I got fired today. Apparently I have a nasty attitude

Danny: You do and oddly enough I love that about you. Your feisty attitude is a turn on

Camille: Oh is that so

Danny: Lol yeah

A few minutes later a waiter came and took our order. I order a glass of water while he had champagne. For the dinner I had stem shrimp with a baked potato and salad while he ordered parmesan chicken with white rice and corn bread. The food was good and for dessert we shared a strawberry cheesecake which tasted even better. After a wonderful meal he took us to a hotel room where I seen scented candles lit, and music playing in the background. As you are my lady by Freddie Jackson began to play that's when I broke down in tears. He was down on one knee holding the most gorgeous ring I ever seen. He grabbed my hand and began to speak.

Danny: Camille from the moment your brother introduced us I knew you were the one for me. I love your ambition how independent you are and how you stand by me even when I don't express my feelings to you sometimes. These were the best four years of my life and I wanna spend many more with you. Will you marry me?

Camille: Yes I thought you never ask

He put the ring on my finger and stood up and kissed me. I was the happiest girl in the world. That night I had finally lost my virginity.

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