Chapter 8

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"The Reptilian gave back all the things he stole, and he joined the Christmas feast that was held in the middle of town. He even cut the roast beef himself." The Mother said. The two children seemed excited. The Mother's daughter asked, "Mama, did Lily and the Reptilian end up together?" Her mother didn't use the actual names of the characters in the story for some reason.

"Did he ask her to marry him?" Her son asked. The Mother smiled and nodded. She starts telling the story of the Reptilian's proposal.

This story takes place two years after Lizard stole Christmas. It was Christmas Eve, The Reptilian, Luchino and his girlfriend, Melly, have been together for two years now. Melly is currently at Luchino's home, helping him decorate at the last minute.

"Can you help me put up the mistletoe?" Melly asked. Luchino nodded and grabbed it. He sets the mistletoe up high. He does and Melly tips toes to give him a quick peck on his lips. Luchino blushes and Melly pulls from the kiss.

"M-Melly." Luchino said nervously.

"My sweet, handsome boyfriend." Melly said with a loving smile.

"I...I feel like sometimes I don't deserve you." Luchino said with a frown. Melly frowned for a second and then smiled lovingly at her boyfriend. She hugged him and said, "Don't think that way. I love you, Luchino." Melly said.

"I love you too, honey." Luchino said. Melly pulls from the hug.

"I need to get back home and help my brother with dinner for tomorrow. Will you be coming by later for the festival?" Melly asked.

"I'm not sure, I might." Luchino said.

"I'll see you later, my sweet lizard." Melly said. She walks out the door and closes it behind her. Luchino sighed happily. He's been happily in love since he and Melly got together. He grabs something from his pocket and it's a small velvet box. He opens it and it's an engagement ring. He's been trying to ask Melly to marry him for a while, but he hasn't had the confidence to ask her.

"What if she says no? What if I end up chasing her away?.... Why is this so hard?" Luchino asked himself. Zippy walks in the room and sees how worried Luchino looks. Zippy looks concerned.

Meanwhile, Melly is back at home with her brother and his children. Melly helped finish cooking. She sees her niece and nephew adding more ornaments to the tree.

"How are you and Luchino doing?" Her brother asked.

"We're doing great, I just wish he didn't think so low of himself. He always says he doesn't deserve me. I love him very much and I just want to see him happy." Melly said.

"Has he talked about a future for you both?" Leo asked.

"I...he hasn't. I would love a future with him. To live with him for the rest of my life, maybe even have children." Melly said and smiled happily thinking about it. Leo smiled to see his sister happy.

Around time for the festival. The Cheermeister was already announced and the festivities started. Melly hadn't seen her boyfriend and she frowned. Soon she sees her boyfriend walking over. She runs over to him and he hugs her. Some townsfolk saw the two. Some of the townsfolk still weren't used to Luchino being in town and being nice instead of a scrooge.

"I'm so happy you made it." Melly said and Luchino blushed.

"Did the gift exchange happen yet? I got you something, my sweet." Luchino said.

"Luchi, you don't have to give me a gift. Just being with you and spending time with you is the best gift I could have." Melly said and Luchino blushed.

" love." Luchino said. The two hold hands. Freddy is still the Mayor and was still bitter Melly chose Luchino over him. He saw the two together and did his best to ignore it. Everyone enjoyed the festivities. During this time, Luchino tries his best to calm his nerves and build up his confidence to propose. Eventually, it was time to exchange gifts. People started exchanging gifts. Luchino grabbed Melly's hand.

"Melly, I still have a gift for you, my love." Luchino said.

"Luchi!" Melly said.

"It's a gift I wanted to give for a while. Melly, you love me right?" Luchino asked.

"Luchi, I love you so much!" Melly said. Luchino digs through his pocket and pulls out a box. He gets on one knee. Everyone including Melly looks surprised at what he's doing. He opens the box and it's an engagement ring. It's not as fancy as the one Freddy tried to give her, but it was nice for a basic ring.

"Melly, my love, I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Luchino asked. Everyone looked at Melly. Melly is in tears, but she's smiling. She nods quickly.

"Yes, yes I'll marry you!" Melly agreed. Everyone, except for Freddy of course, claps for them. Luchino picks her up bridal style and gives her a quick kiss.

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