Chapter 4

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“Ready to go?” Tony asked your grinning face, to which you excitedly nodded before jumping up from your seat.  He let a small smile grace his features as he escorted you from the house.

“Want to stop and get something to eat first?”

“Sure, but you can pick.” You told him while you slid into the passenger seat of his newest car. Tony plopped down beside you and the moment you saw the grin on his face you mentally kicked yourself.

“Shawarma.” You stated bleakly; it wasn’t that you disliked Shawarma, rather you ate it all the time and wanted more options. A nod from Tony confirmed your suspicion, but you decided to be a good sport and eat it without complaint.

“Billionaire’s and their Shawarma.” You jested with a quiet sigh and a roll of your eyes.

“You know it babe.” Tony smirked at you before throwing the car into gear and peeling out.

“Tony!” You shrieked as he zoomed along the highway, weaving between the cars.

“I knew I could get you to scream my name, and here I thought you didn’t like me.” Tony laughed before slamming on the brakes.  On one hand you were thankful of the backed up traffic for getting Tony to stop, but on the other it nearly caused you to get whiplash.

“I’m driving.” You declared after the pain in the back of your head retreated. You hastily unbuckled yourself and leaned over to remove Tony’s.

“What? Why?”

“Because I don’t want to die now move.” You demanded while tugging on his arm. With a sight he stood as best he could and you slipped underneath him. You could have sworn he muttered a ‘not how I imagined it’ under his breath but you chose to ignore it while you repositioned the steering wheel and seat. 

“Do I take a left or a right?” You asked the brooding man next to you. Some people just can’t accept the fact they’re terrible drivers.


     You nodded your acknowledgement and quickly threw on your blinker and waited until the lane was clear so you could get in it.

“We would’ve been there by now if I was driving.” Tony stated as he leaned his head against the window and watched the people going about their business.

“Yes, well I want to go to a concert, not a box six feet underground.”

       Tony childishly stuck his tongue out at you and without thinking you did the exact same thing. Both of you cracked a smile before the light turned green, so your focus had to go back to the road. You drove in silence, but Tony babbled on about well pretty much everything. You tuned his words out but you had to admit that you found the tone of his voice to be quite sexy. You parked in front of the restaurant and Tony finally shut his mouth as he got out of the car. You followed him casually as the two of you strolled into the building.

“Hey Tony I think I’m going to get rid of the cat you got me.” You declared after the both of you were seated.


“He makes me uncomfortable.” You replied as you used your straw to swirl your drink. The food took practically no time at to arrive and the moment it was placed on the table Tony’s mouth was used only to chew and swallow his meal. You basked in the peace that one rarely got with Tony around as you too consumed the food that you had quickly become burnt out of. Luckily you could blame excitement for your lack of appetite.  




“Hey Loki guess what.” Tony grinned at his “friend” as he poured them both a drink.

“I do not wish to partake in your games.” Loki sighed before taking the glass that was held out for him.

“(Name) is getting rid of her cat. Apparently it’s been freaking her out.”  Tony smirked as a wave of disappointment washed over his face.

“You were never taught subtlety were you?”

     Loki glared at the billionaire before slamming his glass down so hard the cracks shot up the sides and then stormed from the room.

Kitty [Tony x reader x Loki]Where stories live. Discover now