Tony's Ending

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"Have you gotten rid of the cat yet?” Tony questioned as you stepped through the kitchen doorway.

“No, they wouldn’t let me return him.”  You sighed while you poured yourself some orange juice. With your glass of juice in your hand you seated yourself in the chair directly across Tony’s. It was then that Loki marched in wallowing in his usual self-importance.  He took a seat next to yours and slung his arm over your shoulders. Tony glared daggers at him before you knocked his arm down.

“So (y/n) want to go to dinner with me?” Tony actually asked as his glare and scowl softened into a warm invitation.  Surprise registered on your face and you pulled at your bottom lip with your teeth. However, Loki spoke up before you could express your thoughts.

“I’m afraid she’ll be with me.”

    Both yours and Tony’s eyes widened, but once again somebody else got a word in before you could.

“Oh please why would she date you? You spy on her!”  Tony declared.

“Well you’re trying to buy her so that you can have something pretty hanging off your arm.”

         You stared at the two of them in disbelief as you worked your jaw. Without warning you hastily stood and slammed your hand on the table before your chair even had a chance to crash to the ground.

“Enough! Now what did you say Tony?” You exclaimed as you began to grind your teeth together.

“Loki’s been cosplaying as your cat and watching you.”

      Your left eye began to twitch and your fingers itched to curl up in a ball and let Loki have it. Loki gave you an innocent smile, but it didn’t fool you or appease your anger. With a low growl you raised your arm and let your fist spring forward. Sadly Loki managed to teleport just in time so your fist hit empty air instead.

“And don’t come back!” You shouted at his vacant spot before plopping down in his old chair; you didn’t feel like picking up the one that dropped.

“Was what he said true?” You inquired with steel laced into your features.

“Not at all.” Tony’s face remained neutral as you peered closely into his soul. With a loud sigh your broke eye contact and let your gaze fall to the table. Your brain decided to wage war on your heart after it found out your heart was against it. Your brain was very adamant in its request that you fling your orange juice all over him while your heart wanted you to forgive him, after all Loki was known for lying. Without your knowledge Tony moved to sit beside you and placed his left hand on your right shoulder.

“So do you want to go to dinner with me?” Tony asked once again and your head immediately shot up.

“I don’t know. I mean in light of everything that just happened and you’re usually annoying I-“

“You said usually meaning not always and it’ll be just dinner promise.”

“You had better keep that promise.” You warned before grabbing your cup and sauntering out.




“You know Tony I had a really good time.”  You smiled at him as you wrapped your hands around his bicep. The two of you silently entered the large elevator and as soon as the doors closed Tony’s hand curled around yours. You lifted your head to ask him a question, but as soon as your face was done tilting back his lips descended on yours.  Your eyes widened only for a fraction of a second and then they fluttered closed. Your hands begged to be allowed to run through Tony’s hair but sadly he had a tight grip on one and the other was trapped beneath your joined hands. 

“You promised.” You stated after he broke off for air. A mischievously and very sexy grin tugged at his lips until he got it to stop by crashing his lips against yours again. An involuntary moan escaped your lips as both of you had to separate again in order to exit the stopped elevator.

“I had my fingers crossed.” He whispered wickedly in your ear before pulling you from the elevator and towards his room.

Kitty [Tony x reader x Loki]Where stories live. Discover now