♕ °Aquarius° ♕

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"Chris leave me alone." I said playfully.
"Nah baby, I'm straight." I gave him a stale face. Chris and I were freshman at Spelman and Morehouse college in Atlanta. Everyone who has been around Chris and I knows that Chris likes me. The downside of it all is that I don't and probably will never know if I actually like him that way.

Any other girl would practically be throwing themselves. He's smart, can play  instruments, and sings. We're friends
"I'm not your baby Christopher." I started packing up my papers into my book bag.

"Oh but you are Mrs. Jay." He laughed.
"Chris?" I said eyeing him from the tops of my glasses.

"Yes, my love?" He sang, sliding over to me.

"Chris we are not dating nor are we married sir." I replied making it evident that I wanted the conversation to be over. I placed my bookbag on my back and my Michael Kors Casey Large Leather Satchel on my sholder.

"Yeah I know Alina. I just hope you can snatch me up before your spot gets taken." He said, two centimeters away from my face.

I looked down and chuckled. "Bye Chris." I turned around attempting to walk out the door, I was pulled back. He pulled me into his chest giving me a slight suffocating but loving hug.
"You know better than to leave without giving me something Ali." His voice muffled in my neck.

"And you know not to kiss me when I leave." He let go of the hug, chuckling at my comment. He leaned down only to kiss my nose. I proceeded to kiss him on the cheek.

My phone vibrated in my hand with my sisters name across the screen.

"Hello?" Chris sat down on his wooden dining room chair typing away on his phone. I stood there with my hand on my hip listening to my sister complaining about her encounter with our father, Javir. He left my mom when my sister, Nia was thirteen. For almost a year he cut us off, until I found out he had three more daughters.

"Wait, he said that to you?" I sat on Chris' lap, moving around to make myself comfortable.

"Keep moving on me and I'll have to get you in my bed in two seconds." He whispered in my ear causing my body to shiver.

My sister paused what she was saying. "Are you with Chris?" She questioned.

"Uh...yeah. Why?" I looked back at him and slapped his chest. "Tell him I said hi."

"Here just talk to him I'm about to pack my things so I can go home.

"How long did you stay with Chris Ali?" She sounded suspicious, which at the time I was not tolerating.

"Are you my mother Ni? Bye. Talk to Chris." I handed my phone to Chris. He loved my sister like she was his own sister.
'Welcome to my world.'

Chris & Alina in Mm

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Any ship names? Lol


*Aquarius is based on the album 'Aquarius' by the talented Tinashe.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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