Chapter 1

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The sun was bright in the midday sky, Tanya watched Eunseom try to coax the horse for the fifth time. It was hot today, and the heat was making small droplets form on her skin. Why did he leave the horse out in the open?

Brown hair twisted in her fingers, she let the hair strand go and darted her deep brown eyes at the boy in front of her. He always seemed to cause problems.

She yelled at him, "Eunseom, you can't tie a wild animal down and expect it to be happy. Especially in this heat."

He glared up at her playfully and crunched on the end of a carrot meant to coax the horse to stand. His body was tanned and muscular, but his leather and cloth coverings were worn out more so than the others. She thought to get him some skins made since he had no family here to do it for him. They were all on the slimmer side for the most part since they scavenged for food.

"He likes to eat. If he wants any, he will get up."

Tanya sighed, "the tribe is already antsy about you. Then you had to say something about riding a horse like a ridiculous fool. It took a lot of people to catch it. Why must you go against them? What if they make you leave?"

Don't you know, I care about you, but you keep acting foolish. If they force you to leave, I will lose you. No, she steeled herself as she watched him finish the carrot. If they make him leave, I will follow. The image of his mother's passing flashed in her mind. 

I am the future of my own people though, she thought and sighed inwardly.

Since then, he's had no one to take care of him. While accepting of him, her tribe members were superstitious and never fully welcomed him into the Wahan Tribe. They will have no choice but to accept him when she claimed him as her own. All she needed was the sign that the time was right.

Tanya waited and silently said in her mind, Eunseom?

She got no response from him or a reaction that led her to believe he'd heard her. Sorrow and irritation both warred in her head. This was a long-standing ability in her mother's line. Each woman could communicate with their intended mate, but that was evasive in her case. Not that she was full of abilities like her mother, either.

Tanya was born on the day of the Azure comet. Like Eubseom she felt as if she fell short even as early as the day she was born. But she always hoped the ability to talk with her fated mate would come when she was twenty. Already halfway through that year, there had been no change.

Her people had a way of finding one another, but only her mother's line heard The Voice  of their mate.

The Great White Wolf whom they followed never forced her descendants to go along with her choice for them, but it seemed as if those choices always ended up being blessed. Who else but Eunseom could be her fated? She felt as if they shared a fate or were connected somehow. She was beginning to worry though.

For weeks she was sure something would happen. If he heard her, it would save him by default. They'd be fated and no one could force him to go away. Yet, still, after weeks of waiting, her nerves were at their wit's end. She was ready to just fake that she heard him so they could be together.

It had always been the 'Great White Wolf' and the 'tribe'.

Oh please, please! She sighed inwardly hoping she was not cursed. Please, I want to hear my mate, she prayed silently.

Tanya was dragged out of her thoughts when she saw a rather large butterfly gently flowing toward her as the breeze guided it. She knelt down in the dry grass and reached out for it. That is until Eunseom startled her.

 That is until Eunseom startled her

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