The Secret

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My eyes went wide as I read the curvy wavy text sitting on the coffee-stained page. 

"The Power"

We had a generational power that I was never told about? I knew there was something being hidden. I always knew. I focused in on the letters and read carefully.

"There is one child every generation to inherit the power. It is usually the loneliest. They will be able to pull being out of fiction."

What the fuck did that mean!? Well, at least I know that I'm definitely the one who got the power. I mean who could be lonelier than me!? Definitely not my cousin Mike. He has a wife. 

I sat back down into my large chair and curled up into a fetal position. This is how I think best. I put all of my effort into trying to decipher the odd words of my ancestors. What could this mean?? After only a few minutes- I ran out of thinking energy and had come up with absolutely nothing. In frustration- I turned on my television. Skipping through the channels, I got even more frustrated with the horrendous selection of programs. I was about to give up again, when I flipped to the last channel. It was my favorite show! I adjusted my position in the chair again and fixed my attention on the screen. My head bobbed to the melody of the opening theme. 

Team Umizoomi has the best opening- you can't tell me otherwise.

I watched intently as my worries drifted away. I was having a great time and smiled as my favorite character came on screen. It was Milli! Her dress was so cool. I wish I could do that. 


THIS WAS IT! I knew from the pit of my stomach that this was my power. I ran to my giant, room-sized closet and made my way to the back. That's where I keep my patterned clothes. I grabbed my sweater with little elves it. It was the holiday season after all. 

I quickly put it on and went back into the main part of the penthouse. I had finally figured out my power, but I still didn't know how to use it. I guess I could only try. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.  Reaching down, I gripped my sweater and tugged at the wool. To my surprise, what I felt was not the right texture. It was warm and not nearly soft enough. I held my arms at full length- holing the unknown object- and slowly opened my eyes. 




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