Chapter 02

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Me: Howdy! Here's chapter 2! Srry it took long to work on this chapter xD Hope ya'll enjoy it! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon Tamers! I just own my OCs


I had an interesting two days, I am nursing an injured Digimon, in-training. I look through my Digimon cards and found the right one, it's a Wanyamon. Why was it injured? The wounds reminded me of when someone beat it up with a bat... I was worried, this Digimon was abused. The poor thing, so I've been taking care of it while it is still not awakened yet. So when I walk into my bedroom where it is laying on my bed, with a tray of food for me and the Digimon just in case it woke up. And to my relief, it is awake and scared when it sees me. I place the tray on my nightstand, and carefully went down to my knees by my bed smiling kindly. 

"Hey,'s okay. I won't hurt you, I took care of you for two days when I found you injured near the park." I spoke gently.

It shook, close to tears, and when it spoke its voice cracked with pain.

"Y-y-you won't h-hurt me...?"

My eyes soften, I got up and sat down slowly on my bed placing my hand on its shaking form like it was afraid I would hit it. I pet his head, it looks confused looking at me.

"I will 'never' hurt you, promise. I wouldn't nurse you back to good health just to beat on you. Tell me, how and who did this to you?"

"M-m-my Tamer...he told me I was useless a-and so he hit me with his baseball bat, and l-l-left me." He whimpers, as tears stream down his fur.

My heart broke as he sobs, I carefully pick him up and held him close. After he calmed down, I place him back on my bed, petting his head gently.

"That Tamer of yours is a jerk, he lost out on an amazing Digimon like you. So there is no reason to fear being in my house, or around me. Cause I'll take care of you, and protect you from that Tamer of yours and anyone else that will do you harm." I promised him, with a serious look.

His eyes watered, thanking me.

"Now...since you woke up, I made us some sandwiches. I didn't know what you prefer, so I made my favorite one. Ham sandwich, with light mayo, fresh hand-picked lattice from my backyard garden, fresh garden-pick tomato, and a cup of water -- which I put in a bowl since you do not have any hands...yet."

"Oh, yummy!" His eyes sparkle in delight when I held his slice of sandwich to his face. "C-can I really have it...?"

I frown, then smile friendly at him.

"Yes, now eat up sweetie."

His eyes brighten and happily started biting into the sandwich I held out to his mouth. When he finished eating it, I place the bow of water for him to drink from. After he finished drinking the water, he puffed out a puff of air happily.

"That was so yummy! Thank you-- um..."

"Oh!" I smack my hand to my face, realizing I never gave him my name. "Sorry, my name is Alice Barnes."

"Ah, thank you so much, Alice!" His happiness slowly left to a sad look.

"Hey, why are you so sad?"

"...It's just, I wish you were my Tamer and not Jack..."

"Wanyamon...I know, sadly he's already your Tamer and Digimon can only have one Tamer. But I'll be your friend, is that enough for you?"

His eyes brighten once more.

"Of course! C-can we go outside? I want to feel the wind through my fur."

Chuckling softly, I sat up after finishing up my slice of the sandwich and drinking some of my water.

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