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mark shifted in his sleep, eyes slowly opening. he looked around the room he was currently in. quickly he understood he was at jaemins.

next to him was a still a sleeping haechan, he smiled but quickly stopped when he noticed his hand around the youngers waist. he moved away a bit to get more room between the both of them.

a small blush was appearing on his cheeks but he then decided to get up and search for his friends. jaemin stood in the kitchen cooking something while jeno had his head on the table, groaning.

"you good, jeno?" "no, my head feels like it will explode any second." mark smiled and patted the others back. "how did you sleep, mark?" jaemin asked.

"good i think, haechan is still asleep." "i hope you both had a fun night." mark said to his friends while smirking. jeno lifted his head from the table and stuck out his tongue.

mark laughed at the sight and haechan walked into the kitchen. his hair was messy and he rubbed his eyes. mark looked at him and cooed he was just too adorable in the morning.

"good morning haechan." jaemin said and smiled warmly. "good morning y'all." he said and sat down next to mark. the rest of their breakfast together was spent in comfortable silence.

the car ride home was rather silent too, all
three of them were still tired and jeno had the hardest time to stay focused on the road infront of him.

"hey, boys!" it was marks dad. "how was the party yesterday?" he asked and smiled. "it was cool, haechan likes my friends!" mark said and haechan nodded shyly. he still hasn't warmed up with his dad.

mark let himself fall on top of his bed. he sighed and closed his eyes. a small headache was developing in his head probably because of the alcohol yesterday.

he remembered the conversation he had with haechan, what was he to him? a brother? a friend? both? he felt awkward, if he really is his stepbrother, mark had to stop his thoughts he sometimes has when looking at the younger boy.

"life is hard." mark said and closed his eyes.

haechan looked out of the big window of his room. yesterday night it snowed so the garden was already covered with a white blanket. he smiled at the beautiful sight.

since yesterday the boy didn't hear it. was it because of mark, because of the party, because he finally hadn't been exposed to his mind? he couldn't answer it but he knew it wouldn't take long to come back.


mark woke up in terror. "what was that?" he looked around. he was in his room. the moon shining through the curtains. he lifted himself up, he couldn't hear anything.

he left his bed and tiptoed to his door. he opened it and looked outside. "wtf, am i going crazy?" when he wanted to close his door again he heard a whimper.

he stepped out of his room and into the hallway. "haechan?" he quietly asked into the darkness. he walked closer to haechan's room when he noticed the younger siting infront of his room, back on his door.

"haechan, are you okay?" he asked, his voice mixed my worry. haechan looked up at him barely seeing something in the darkness. he didn't say a word.

mark kneeled down next to him and in the next second he had haechan's arms around his upper body, clinging onto him as if his life depended on it. again his hand was touching his arm as if he had to check twice if it was him.

mark didn't know what to do, so he slowly stroke his head. "did you have a nightmare?" mark asked. haechan didn't say something at first then he sniffled.

"it's more than that." he stopped hugging mark and his back feel back against the door. "what was it th-" "you don't have to know." he cut off mark.

the older looked at him, in the darkness he could see the anxious but also sad look on his face. mark wanted to protest but then he decided to not ask further questions, he was slightly annoyed. not only did the younger woke him up at night, no, he then also didn't want to tell him what was wrong.

mark got up. "if you say so." he said and walked back to his room, sighing. after a while "i am sorry. i can't." haechan whispered into the darkness but mark was already gone.

he banged his head against the door, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. "i don't want to go back in. why did i forget to cover the mirror?" haechan thought desperately. it has started again.


"yooo mark!" jeno ran up to mark, coming to an halt when he stood next to the other. "hi." he said not looking at jeno. "oh shit, what's wrong? seems like you didn't get enough of sleep."

mark looked at the other and slowly nodded. "why tho?" jeno asked. "he's confusing me." the other just said. "who? haechan? what did he do?"

"i'll tell you once we are with the others, i don't want to tell the story a thousand times." he said and smiled at the younger! "let's go, class starts soon."

at lunch marks mood still hasn't gotten any better. of course the others noticed too and asked him what was up with him.

"haechan is weird. first, he makes me wake up with his crying and then he doesn't tell me what's the matter." he said and frowned. "maybe he simply can't tell you. not everyone is as straight forward as you and tells everyone what's on their mind or bothering them." yangyang said.

"he's right, i think he didn't do it to annoy you." jaemin added and smiled at mark. "but he can tell me, we are friends after all." "you both know each other hardly for two weeks." jeno told the older.

"sometimes people need some time to warm up to others, mark." mark looked at jeno and nodded. he thought about his friends words and decided they were right. he should give haechan more time to open up to him.

"he always touches me as if he doesn't know if i am really there, like he always has to check twice." mark suddenly said and everybody was looking at him. "maybe it is his way to show affection?" jaemin thought.

"but he does it in the most random situation, yesterday he was already hugging me when he started to touch my arm like that again." mark frowned.

"that's kinda weird, i have to admit." the group stayed silent, they didn't know what to say more about that. that's when jeno changed the subject and started to talk about some random girl he saw in the supermarket yesterday.

yangyang and mark didn't miss the disappointed look on jaemins face when he listened to what jeno had to say. yangyang and mark turned his head to each other and started laughing. so the rest of the lunch break was rather peaceful.


when haechan got home he sighed in relief when he saw mark was already home. he hates being alone at home, his mind would joke around with him even more. he walked over to the other and put one hand on his back and stroked it.

mark jumped in fear. "omg haechan, you scared me!" "i am sorry." haechan chuckled and took his hand away from his back. mark looked at him, but the younger was in a good mood like most of the time.

"why are you staring?" haechan laughed and mark quickly looked away. "are you feeling better." mark asked. "yeah, i was little confused yesterday, i am sorry." he said to shrug off what happened yesterday.

mark decided to just nod his head. "whatever" he thought to himself. "i am upstairs." he told the younger and haechan waved him goodbye.

haechan stayed behind in the kitchen. he noticed his heart hurting, he wanted to tell the other but this thought scared him.

"help me." he whispered, knowing mark wouldn't hear him. after a while he smiled to himself weakly and went upstairs to his room too.

so this is already the 5th chapter. i hope this chapter wasn't too boring. to anyone reading this, i hope you enjoyed it.
have a nice day! :)

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