Confessions |1|

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It was early in the morning when Sky was getting ready to meet up with Viktor, a old childhood friend of hers. It was weird, after everything, big fights, Viktor turning in a semi-Robotic state, well, the death of the girl you currently hearing the thoughts of, all the Zaun and Piltolver organisation, yeah, big things happened but everything should be fine for now.

Now She was putting on some nice clothes, being a ergonomic robot has its advantages, but it's kind of cold, even if Jaycr and Viktor did a good job at the body and creating energetic materia to make the soul and energizing it, it's hard to get used to it. Better that then nothing, Viktor took a break from his office and this date might be nice!

Oh yeah! Not only that but the Robotic girl has a big crush on the EX-Machima Aristocrat as if it wasn't obvious.

After finishing getting ready she grabbed her bag and left for the usual location of their conversations and there he was, sitting well put, messy hair and a tired face, a cup of what she had in mind was macha, something the boy always ordered, quietly sipping on it. Calmly she walked over and sat on the table with a timid smile and wave, Viktor rsised his eyes and nodded.

"Took you sometime" said him with a light smirk on his face.

"Yesz i was having some..." sky beat her head into thinking of something fast "Performance errors and had to have that checked"

"Oh really, in that case you should've called me, i would be on the lab to day if Mel didn't block mine and jayce's entry to the lab on Sundays." he said with a quite annoyed reverb on his voice, one witch was enticing and enchanting.

"Yeah, im glad she did that, you're a workaholic"

"You better stop." he sais with a smile "So what do you get for today miss?"

"Well, i heard the exchanges between Piltolver and Zaun had been good"

"Well, yes, with Jaycr as their Vice president it was hard for it to go wrong, anything else?" he said raisinf a eyebrow.

"Well, i heard that two of the councilors started seeing each other"

"Mel and Jayce?" he asked and sky denied with a nod.

"They broke up for goor for what Mel told me, im talking about that robot and the clog neck councilors"

"Oh, okz that's interesting"

"How about you? Anything interesting" Sky jumped into watching as Viktor sipped the cup once more, she couldn't help but stare, as the boy started to show his small mannerism, how he would always clean the cup around the ceramic at every sip that some ended spilling, how he would look into nothingness reflecting and the awkward temptive smile.

"Me? You know, i stay inside the lab all day, all i hesr comes from the hallways, so, i heard Vi and Caitlyn talking about kids and all that and about their Bachelor's Party since its missing 3 weeks for the marriage." he said calmly and She couldn't help to smile.

"Are you excited for their marriage?"

Viktor Shrugs "You can say im interested, im going because Jay is going"

There it is, he is talking about his partner again, it's always about him and Jayce and their potent capabilities as a duo, Sky can't help but feel a slight jealousy.

"Talking about Jayce, i belive i should tell you something."


"I confine you in so much and i will fo it again, do not betray my trust" viktor seemed serious. For thst Sky seemed to blush, is he finally going to take off that Bandage?

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