Secret spilled

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Miyasato POV

I woke up and saw Issei waking up early for once and he seems confused about yesterday.

Issei: bro what happened yesterday?

Miyasato: you and your idiotic friends are hanging out until night and you were about to go to a night club so I knocked you out and brought you home.

Issei was shocked and I pointed at our parents who are in the kitchen talking about family stuff.

Miyasato: Let's go to school we don't want you to be late...

Issei: ok

Later we arrived at the academy and we separate ways and I saw Issei asking his friends if they remembered the girl named Yuuma Amano or Raynare but they didn't

Later we went inside the classroom and the teacher also arrived and started the class.

The lessons were too easy for me and as I laid my back against the chair and as my hair falls to the ground a bunch of girls are playing with my hair not that I mind it feels good and relaxing. Some girls are complimenting my hair on being straight and silky and they even ask my secret to this kind of hair.

Miyasato: I don't know. Maybe it's in my genes? Because I just shampoo it every two baths...

Girls: Oh I see.

They continued to style my hair and play around while I read my book titled Black and white. Later some girls are screaming because a certain person is here and I knew it is Kiba Yuuto, my new friend.

Kiba: Excuse me can I take Miyasato and Issei here? It's for a club meeting.

Teacher: Sure Kiba.

Miyasato: Yo Kiba!

Kiba: Hey Miya and Issei lets go to the ORC.


Miyasato: Just what on earth were you doing when I am not watching Issei...

Later we arrived at the old school building or shall I say a secret base.

Kiba: So about yesterday.

Miyasato: just as I said last time, I will not become a threat unless you touch my no-no buttons

Kiba: Hold up do you watch Joshdub???

Miyasato: Yeah.... wait... you too???


Miyasato: No no.... I have something better than bestfriends.

Kiba: Bratha....

Issei POV

They seem to get along pretty well... and he knows that guy as well...
We went in front of the door and my brother just said a stupid thing.

Miyasato: Go kaboom??

Kiba: No no I don't think you will.

Miyasato: Awww...

Kiba opened the door and we saw the members of the club are there.

Miyasato POV

Koneko seems to be afraid of me which is understandable after my outburst and my mana burst which practically traumatized her but I will not let her be afraid of me for a long time. I was about to approach her but.

Issei: Whoa I almost can see her-
*bonk* ACK!!!

Miyasato: Issei...... what did I say about peeking?

Enkidu(Highschool dxd x OC with Enkidu powers)Where stories live. Discover now