6. Third Year

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I managed to write before Christmas! This chapter is longer than the rest (2934 words), enjoy!



Draco, Pansy and Blaise were in the boys' dorm. Vincent and Gregory remained in the common room telling exaggerated stories regarding the previous year to a group of impressionable first years. When the trio left them, the eleven-year-olds were hanging on their every word, entranced by the stories of petrified muggle-borns and secret chambers. No one knew if the latter was true, but Vincent and Gregory didn't seem to care as they drew little doors made of light with the symbol of Slytherin on them.

Pansy and Blaise were sitting on the boy's bed, while Draco sat on his own, facing them. The blond wore the mask he created to appear as a proper heir. He didn't show anything, his face as blank as it could be, but he feared his friends could see right through it.

«Don't make me repeat myself»

«But you love Quidditch!» exclaimed Blaise with wide eyes. Draco didn't look away, he stared right into the boy's eyes like he was taught to do at a young age. He couldn't show insecurities, he had to firmly believe his reasons.

«I do,» said the blond. «and I will still play with you. But I will stop being part of the school team»

«And why the sudden change?» asked Pansy, narrowing her eyes. «In the first year, you tried to pay anyone that could let you join the team»

Draco rolled his eyes, annoyed at the reminder that the "great" Harry Potter had been the first first-year student to ever join the school team. «I want to focus on my studies and Quidditch takes a lot of my time»

Blaise sighed and leaned back. «If this is because Granger has better grades than you-»
«It's not that!» Draco rushed to say, horrified his friend could even think that.

«What is it, then?» asked Pansy. She had her arms crossed and she looked at him with a searching glare. Sometimes he feared she learned to be a Legiliments during the summer and knew his every secret.

Draco leaned forward and rubbed his forehead as if irritated, only to have her stop looking at him. «I just told you»

«You certainly didn't, since that was the most wretched lie you ever told in your life» the girl leaned forward, looking more intimidating. The blond almost felt uncomfortable.

«Listen,» Draco sighed. «I just wanted you to know before you cursed me in my sleep» Blaise muttered something along the lines of "turn" and "pig", but the blond ignored him. «I'll tell Flint later today, whether you like it or not»

His friends stayed silent. Draco was about to take it as a good sign before they looked at each other.

Pansy nodded and Blaise turned back to the blond. «Does this have to do with what happened this summer?»

Draco barely widened his eyes. The first day he relied too much on his emotions, making them figure out something was going on. He mustn't make the same mistake.
He had to look calm, lazy.

«If you say "Nothing happened" one more time I'll glue you to that bloody bed 'till the end of the year»

Draco and Pansy glared at each other for a few long minutes.

«What happened» hissed the blond. «Is what I wrote in my letters» he raised to his feet, looking down at his friends. «I will not talk about this again»

He closed the door behind himself, leaving his friends alone in the dormitory.


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