Chapter 1

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"Earth seems to be high in recourses." Red spoke as him and his mate researched there latest addition.

"Yeah but incoming reports all say that it's also high in rebel units." Purple sighed,

"Call General Tak then. We will send her an her platoon down there to take care of it." Red said leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah cause that's gonna work." Purple mumbled, Red sent him a glair.

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Red retaliated, "we have to many rebel units in all the other planets! We can't send a low rank general cause there aren't any that are home yet!"

"My tallest, I over heard you have a slight problem." Red and Purple looked to see an irken walk into the room.

"Zim, you want to go down there?" Purple asked confused, Zim wasn't normally the one to volunteer for clean up. He was normally the first one on the destruction team.

"No." Red stated, "Zim you can't go. Those rebels are evil. They will tear you limb from limb if they get ahold of you."

"And I fully understand that sir. But with the help of Tak and her team, who, may I add, I have trained with and fought beside many a times, I will be safe. That and don't you think I have the ability to rip them up just as bad?" An they did, both rulers knew that Zim was harsh; on his first research mission he had already experimented on five of the main inhabits and numerous other life forms on the planet. He was cruel and deranged. Both qualities needed to be a number one class invader for the Ierken empire.

"The kid does have a point." Purple shrugged,

"That and I was also trained by the two finest invaders in Irken history." He smirked and crossed his arms. Red rolled his eyes and Purple snickered.

"Flattery doesn't get you any were kid." Red sighed and ran his three fingers over his forehead and down his face. "Fine! I'll let you go. But for the sake of all things tall please come back in one piece!" Purple gave Zim a high three. Red gave them both a disapproving glare as usual. The two always did something Red disapproved of; but like always he ended up helping anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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