IV: Christmas Eve

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Ryujin's POV

I'm on the grocery store to buy the things I'll need tonight and for the following week. I got champagne and bread and also gonna order pasta later. I'm spending it alone so I don't need much.

"Jisu-ya, come back soon."

After shopping, i went to my favorite ice cream shop. I bought strawberry flavor with marshmallows on top of it. After a few minutes of walking, i reached the tangerine store.

I bought a dozen. The grandma who sells them smiled at me so i smiled back. I often go here so we're acquaintances.

"Here, i made it 15 pieces. The three are my Christmas gift to you."

"Oh, thank you so much granny,"

"Sorry it's not much, darling."

"No, don't say that. It's me who didn't give you anything."

"And you know that these are my faves granny, what else could make me happier?" i added then hugged her excitedly. We smiled at each other. I bowed then waved her goodbye. It's not too far from my home so I'll get there in a few.

I was waiting for the lasagna i ordered when i heard a strange sound. It's coming from my window yet i didn't find anything when i looked.

The cold wind entered the room so i shivered. I immediately closed the window, locking it.

"Ryujin," i almost jumped when i heard that voice. I saw the girl i helped the other night. I fell down the floor while looking at her wide-eyed.


"Yes, me." she responded. She slowly walked towards me and i just froze in my place. She pushed me then sat on top of me. What now?

"Let me stay here."

"W-what??? Oh damn, what is happening?"

"Are you scared?" she said then chuckled.

"That's right,"

"Get off me." i said. She smirked while getting off me then went to the sofa. She took one of my tangerines and started peeling it.

"Who are you? Wait no, what are you?" i bravely asked.

"I'm the devil."

"You know this is not a time for jokes." I'm irritated.

"I'm saying the truth, Shin Ryujin." my eyes widened when she said my full name. She looked at me and it seemed i was forced to come closer to her. I sat down beside her while watching her eat the tangerine.

"It's a long story. And this would be the first and only time I'll ask for a human's help."

I gave her a confused look. I still don't believe this. Maybe I'm dreaming, from the shopping up to here. I slapped myself as hard as i could.

"OUCH!" i exclaimed. Okay now this is legit happening.

"I'll talk about it with you tomorrow, just let me rest."

"Being in this world is more tiring."

I agree but this is all unbelievable. I still couldn't process everything that's happening when the doorbell rang.

It's my order. I ran to the door to get it. I bowed to the delivery guy and greeted him a Merry Christmas. I ran back to the kitchen to place it on the table. Oh well, I'm ready for tonight.

Until i felt a presence coming from my back. I found the girl staring at me. Then her stomach growled.

"I-uhm, do you want to eat?"

We still couldn't eat what i ordered since it's for later so i decided to cook her an omelette. She seemed patient while waiting.


She finished the meal fast, well faster than i expected. She aggressively leaned towards me then touched my face. She continued to run her fingers to every feature on my face, down to my neck.

She did that while staring at me sharply. I gulped and I'm aware that I'm blushing because of what she's doing.

"What a pretty girl," she spoke. That's it. I took her hand to stop her from what she's doing.

"You know what, this is very weird."

"Is it?" she responded then leaned more closely to me.

"Ryujin, i know how lustful humans are." she whispered in my ear. What she's done turned me on. I need to escape whatever this is.

I still couldn't move from our position. When she bit my earlobe, i pushed her away. I found the opportunity to escape it so i ran to my phone.

Why am i alone with this girl? Should i call for help? I checked the time and it's already 8:45pm.

"Do you still not believe I'm the devil?" she suddenly said. I saw her playing with the fire in one of the candles.

"It's still 4 hours before Christmas, do you want to go somewhere far away?"

"What do you mean?"

"You saved me once so I'm thinking of repaying you. You know we do love giving humans their desires."

"Tell me your name."

"I'm the devil's daughter, we demons don't have names." she said.

"I'm sorry." what i said made her mad.

"I'm sorry? for saying sorr--okay I'll stop." she was glaring at me.

"Tell me a country you'd want to visit."

This is now or never, Ryujin. Just go with the flow.


She stood up and walked towards me. Her black wings appeared. I was shocked and amazed at the same time.

She grabbed me towards her. Our position is very close. I can't deny that she's beautiful.

"Close your eyes." i did what she said. It seemed that in just a flash, we're in Canada.


"Hell is much different from here." she said to me. I can notice that she's really annoyed of me. Ugh.

I looked around and i never felt this happy for a while. All this snow is making me so happy. I'm just a dumb person who didn't think about changing her clothes first before going to a colder place. I also hoped that I'd see Jisu but i know that's impossible.

We stayed there a couple of minutes before she decided going back. We were back at my house and when i checked the time, it's already 11:58pm.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"The waiting is too boring so i speed it up a little."

"I'd like you to join me for dinner, uhm uhh your highness?" i awkwardly said.

She rolled her eyes but sat down on the chair. I prepared her food first before mine.

Well i guess this year's celebration isn't bad after all? I celebrated it with the devil. Just normal yes.

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