Richard calling you his "amrâlimê"

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You just finished filming Poldark with Aidan. You were playing Ross' sister.

*few minutes before*

"Ross! I heard Demelza's pregnant! This is great news I must tell Francis of this." Your character says.

"Anneliese, calm down. You must help Demelza with her trying to act prim and proper. Can you help her?" Aidan asks as Ross

"CUT! That's a wrap everyone! Y/N & Aidan, you did amazing! As always." The producer says. You smile.

*back to the present situation*

Richard calls you. "How are you? Hopefully you're not too tired."

"Just fine. Really." you say, you're secretly mad at him because you saw him kissing another girl and you loved him.

"You sound mad. Come round mine please." he says, worried.

"No. I'm going home." you say and hang up the phone cause you were done with everything he said. Did he really care or not.

You drove home and you see Richard sitting on your porch with flowers in his hand.

You close the car door. "I'm so glad you're home. Can we talk? Please?" He asks while hugging you.

"No. I'd rather not talk to you. So go away." You say, shrugging him off.

"Okay honestly I don't know what's wrong with you but I'll stay y/n." he says, confused.

"Oh yeah, really. I thought you fucking liked me. Bullshit Rich. Remember Friday? Yeah." you say. You felt tears stinging your eyes and you start running.

"Please let me explain, wait please! Please!!" He screams.

You fainted on the sidewalk.

You wake up in the hospital bed, Richard was holding your hand and he was asleep. You yanked your hand from Richard and he jolted up.

"Oh my god, you're awake y/n!!" He hugs you.

"How long was I out." you ask.

"Three weeks." he says.

"Get away from me. I don't need you here." you say.

"Uhm... oh okay.." he says and leaves slowly.

Dean O' Gorman and Aidan Turner come in. They see you crying.

"Hey, stop crying and tell me what's wrong." Dean holds you in an embrace and rocks you slowly.

"It's.. Ri.. R.... Rich. He uh kissed s..someone else." You mutter out

"He loves you y/n, he called you his Amrâlimê." Aidan says.

You raise your head. You never believed that he'd call you his One.

"Can you call him?" You ask the two.
Dean calls him for you. You're still in Dean's arms.

"Hello? You need to come here quickly." Dean says.

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now