chapter two: Jeongin's secret

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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU FUCKING FREAK" yelled Hyunjin, Jeongin hid behind Hyunjin "Its ok kitten I'm here, LOOK HERE YOU FREAK" Jeongin pulled on Hyunjin's jacket and shook his head "I'm sorry for hurting you kitten, I promise I won't do it again" San walked off and yelled "IT'S OVER JEONGIN, at least you can finally be happy, I'm sorry"

San walked over to his group and hugged Wooyoung "I did it, I ended it with him, I know he'd be happier than ever, that's all I want for him, his dad abuses him and I was forced to date him but I never loved him that's why I treated him the way I did, I love you Jung Wooyoung" Wooyoung smiled at San, soon they heard Jeongin

"I KNEW IT" he screamed with excitement "I KNEW YOU LOVED WOOYOUNG AND NOT ME NOW YOU MAY KISS THE BRIDE!" Jeongin and Jongho stood next to each other and screamed when they finally kissed

"WOOSAN! WOOSAN! WOOSAN!" The whole school cheered

"I love you Jung Wooyoung"

"I love you too Choi San"

Meanwhile Chan and Felix walked down the hallway form the classroom "FELIX! WHAT THE FUCK? YOU HAVE BEEN AVOIDING ME ALL DAY!" yelled Chan as he was following his boyfriend

Felix and Chan stopped and glared at each other and Felix yelled "YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TALK TO ME! SO IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET RID OF ME" everyone heard Chan and Felix's argument "ALL YOU EVER DO IS CONTROL PEOPLE, MAKE THEM FEEL LIKE THEY ARE NOTHING AND YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR BEST FRIENDS AND YOURSELF! YOU NEVER ONCE THOUGHT "hows my boyfriend" IF YOUR NOT FUCKING CAREFUL YOU WON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND! EVERYONE IN THIS SCHOOL KNOWS THAT WE ARE I'M SORRY WERE DATING! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT WE DATED SO I'M DOING THIS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! FUCK YOU BANG CHAN! FUCK YOU! ITS OVER BETWEEN US!" Felix turned to his boys and put his head towards his own shoulder and said "and I know you cheated on me with Kang Daniel" he looked at the boys and he walked off,

"Changbin, here's a note, don't open it yet, wait until you get home and please come to mine after you have read it" Seungmin explained to Changbin before running off towards Felix.

"Jisung, here's a note, don't open yet, wait until you get home and as soon as you are done please come to mine" Lee Know cried running off to find Felix and Seungmin.

"Hyunjin thank you for being there for me and Chan I don't want you to go anywhere near Felix, he will be living with me until further notice" explained Jeongin.

Chan looked at Felix and Felix walked away from Chan "FELIX!" He stopped and looked at Chan "I'm sorry for being such a dickish boyfriend, I just want you to know that I love and I hope one day you have the heart to fix us and I promise I will change for the better, but until then please stay safe. Goodbye Felix" Chan left and Felix ran up to him and hugged him.

Awww chanlix is just the cutest shiz ever 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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