ATEEZ: Light

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This takes place a month before the fireworks chapter.
Wooyoung stared at the matches in the drawer of the kitchen island. He knew not to play with them. He's always been told fire is dangerous, but as he was about to close the drawer and walk away, his mind told him it's fine. If anything happens, you can just put the flames out.

Walking over to the kitchen door, he looks out into the living room and over to the stairs. Seeing that nobody was currently downstairs, he closed the kitchen door and walked back over to the drawer. Opening it back up, he takes the box of matches out. Looking around the kitchen, he finds a notebook on the end of the island, grabbing it, and he takes some paper out. He then fills the sink with water just in case.

Taking a match, he lights it and then holds it up to the piece of paper. He watched as it went up in flames quickly. His heart raced as he quickly dropped the paper into the sink full of water before it could burn him. That was crazy. It burned so fast. What else can i set on fire?

As Wooyoung continues to play with fire, he doesn't hear Seonghwa and Hongjoong coming towards the kitchen.

"What should I make for dinner?" Seonghwa asks, looking over his shoulder towards Hongjoong as he pushes the door to the kitchen open.

"I'm kind of in the mood for PARK WOOYOUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Hearing Hongjoong yell makes Wooyoung jump and drop the pencil he had just set on fire onto the floor.

Seonghwa quickly rushes over and stomps on it until it's completely out. He then looks up at his dongsaeng, who is staring at them with big eyes.

"Are you hurt? Did you get burned?" Seonghwa asks, reaching out and grabbing ahold of the boys' hands to look them over.

Wooyoung just shakes his head no.

Seeing that he didn't get burned, Seonghwa then turns him around and delivers 10 stinging smacks to his behind.

"Owww, hyung!" Wooyoung whines, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

"You are lucky your butt is the only thing burning young man. You could have gotten seriously hurt! What in the world made you decide playing with fire is a good idea!?"

"I'm sorry, hyung, the matches were just sitting in the drawer waiting for me to take them out. I put water in the sink to drop them in, and I had a plan. I was being safe."

"Wooyoung, there are so many things that could have gone wrong. You just dropped the pencil you lit on fire on the floor. You could burn the dorm down playing with matches. Matches are not a toy, you know that." Hongjoong scolds.

"I'm sorry, hyung, I didn't think about that."

"That much is obvious. If you had, you wouldn't have played with the matches. Go to my room. You and I need to have a serious conversation about safety."

Wooyoung gulped. He hated being sent to the leaders' room.

"Hyung, please don't. I promise I will never play with matchss again."

"It is not up for discussion. Your safety is very important, and you just put yourself in danger to have a little fun. Go to my room, now."

Wooyoung turns towards the oldest with a pleading look, in hopes he will convince the leader he doesn't need to be punished further.

"That isn't going to work this time. You need to listen, go on."

Wooyoung's shoulders slump as he walks out of the kitchen and heads upstairs to the leaders' room. On his way there, he ran into the others as they were headed to the game room.

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