The Finding

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"How do you put your dreams into words? This is a question that is unanswered, if you ask somebody this question they tell you to write." says Curston. "Well what if you do and your wrighting does'nt come out like you expected it to?" Asked Tally, her student. "You rewrite it and keep rewriting it untill it comes out to your expectations." Curston replayed "Ding,Ding,Ding." "Class dismissed." Curston returns to her desk in front of her gray boring class room. "Long day?" asked a man standing in her doorway he is tall porbably 6'2 with brown hair and charming blue eyes, thats preferred to as Mr.styles. "Mr.styles, yes it's been a stressful long day." "I'm sorry Mrs.Jones I've had a long day to,a long day of not seeing your beautiful face." He smiles. "Mr. styles I'm not sure if you understand or if you just don't care but I'm happily married with two beautiful twins and you are not going to ruin that!" she snouts.

"I respect you for that and you know this is not the end." He flashed his handsome smile and winked his sparkling blue eyes and walked away. Curston rolls her eyes and lets it slide.She walks through the emptyless school and realized she is the only one left in sunshine college. "Errr." "Whose there?" No one replays Curston keeps walking the niose continues. "Hello? If someone's there you best come out." "Just rember I'll always be here." Sung the fat lazy janitior who gets paid way to much which other teachers say he is a creep. Curston stops and laughs then the janitior takes his headset off. "Hello mam heading home?" "Ummm... Yeah ugh got to get home to my kids." "You sure do wrok late mam and still manage to look that good?" Curston quevers in disgust and says, "Ummm I have to go home to my children." "Alright now you be careful." Curston nods and walks away, Curston finally reaches the parking lot gets in her yellow camro with a black strip down the middle and drives home.


I'm still working on my story guys i hope you like it though sorry if i misspelled anything im only 13 not very smart for my age lol but please read it and ill continue to write it and leave your comments please nothing really rude. thank you :))

-Loganna <3

Curston finally reached her beautiful bricked home that was 3 stories. She walks into her beautiful kitchen to greet her husband but yet when she walked into the living room there was no one there."Honey? I'm home." No response.... "Baby if this is a joke it's not funny anymore... Bab....." "Bah" screams Evan when she walks around the corner. Standing in front of her is her husband, Evan, he  had blonde swoochy hair and blue eyes with a tan skin tone, if they lived in California he would be the perfect life gaurd considering he was in shape. "Baby you scared me." She said sounding like a two year old. "I'm sorry sweety." He says kissing her forhead. "Where's the kids?" She asked, her kids are a boy and a girl, twins! The girl and boy are similar looking the girls name is Zhosette she has sunshine blonde hair with shirley temple curls and brown eyes and had a dark skin tone.The boys name is John, bruce is his nickname he looks exactly like his sister except his hair is just like his dads, they are both 5 years old.

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