Chapter One:A Rushed Meeting

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Her blue hair whipped in the wind as she dipped and dodged the branches from the low hanging trees usually used to make swings for the Kingdom's children, her pet dragon ran next to her in an equally urgent tone. They were making it to a cliff and the girl's blue and black eye hovered to the slick, jet black dragon who nodded and let his owner take the lead. There wasn't a second to waste before she jumped off the cliff to see her kingdom below her, even after doing this many times her life flashed before her eyes but she was snapped out of her trance as she felt the dragon's back between her legs. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she exclaimed

"Hell yeah! This saves us a lot of time, eh Bin-Bin?"

Bin-Bin grunted and nodded his head as his strong black wings flapped and rode the breeze, both of their eyes scanned the Kingdom they were flying over. This was Sonya's kingdom, the community that was built even before she was born. Some chuckles escaped her lips before she grabbed the rope that led Bin-Bin and yanked it, which told him to go faster since they still weren't out of the woods yet. This fact hit Sonya like a horse and she gripped Bin-Bin's saddle with shaky hands, she didn't want to be late again.

She reached into the large pocket on Bin-Bin's saddle and grabbed the silky and quite prudish black and purple gown that wouldn't allow her to feel the warmish but pleasant breeze of summer. She hated this but it was a royal tradition and a 'crucial part of their kingdom's history'. It made her feel uncomfortable but she didn't fight it, she just wanted to get this stupid meeting over with. She shimmied into the gown as she thought over the meeting details;another anarchist attack in Britannia, which was their sister Kingdom, the kingdom of light. She was decent friends with their Princess and her mum was friends with the king and queen, they were nice people...albeit a little bit demanding at times.

She flew near the giant black and blue castle she called home, it was something she had known her whole life. She honestly couldn't imagine being anywhere else, sitting atop the roof looking over her kingdom. The blue haired girl flew into her room through a window she left open and quickly ran a hand through her hair a couple of times before smiling and saying,

"Looking good blue, let's get this boring meeting over with...maybe we could hang out with the girls later."

Sonya begrudgingly trudged towards the large purple gates of the meeting room, she pushed open the doors to see the usual attendees. The tall raven haired woman that ruled over the place she called home, her blue and black eyes gave the princess a warm but angry look because of her barely making it on time. This was Linda Walsh, the queen of the shadow kingdom.
"Sonya! We've been waiting for you! You are so lucky that you're barely on time! I was worried sick!"

Linda scolded her daughter while turning back to the other two females in the room

"I'm sorry you two, shall we get onto the point of this meeting?"

The older of the two foreigners chuckled at the stricter woman's apology, her kind eyes shifted toward the smaller princess.
"It's fine Linda, you're too tightly wound up... "
"Because there are lives at stake Susan"

The taller but younger looking girl gave a fear stricken look to the queen of the light kingdom, as far as she knew they were discussing festivals and the economic situation in their kingdom
"What?! People are dying? I thought we were safe from them!"

Her high pitched voice rang through the room, Sonia wasn't as freaked out as her light counterpart. Death wasn't a new concept to her, she tangled with it herself when she was a child and almost lost half of her vision as a result.

"Ruby calm down, is this really a surprise for you? This has been going on for a while..."

The sad reminder put a heavy blanket of tension over the room, everyone re-lived every major event in the war so far. Lives lost, land destroyed, people being betrayed. Linda was the first to cut through the tension with her sharp and focused words

"Yes, it is unfortunate but we must be strong. Our kingdoms and lives are on the line, now listen to me. The anarchists have attacked our capital, my forces have been able to hold them off but our defense is slowly falling. The messenger birds have told us about a half dragon animorph with fire and lighting magic"

Susan raised an eyebrow and exclaimed with a worried, motherly tone,
"What? An animorph with magic, do you know how rare that is? And on top of that one that can use two types of magic? I think your soldiers are delirious from battle, you must withdraw them or send reinforcements!"

The dark queen's face grimaced at the words that were thrown her way, her blue and black eyes looked her up and down before responding back

"I'll be sending reinforcements along with myself, and even if it is just delirium getting to our soldiers then we must treat whatever is causing them this panic with caution."

Her serious tone provided much needed order to the room, this was one of the many things Sonia loved about her mother. Despite everything she had been through, she could still take charge when need be. She was still her mum, no matter how much had happened. It seemed that her words calmed Susan down to a point where she could think

"Yeah, I'll send my troops...but I'll have to stay back to tend to the wounded I have"

Sonia gave an excited smile and said
"And I'll come with Mum to-"
"You won't be going anywhere Sonia"
"Yeah you'll be staying in the castle where it's safe Sonia, and you won't be coming into the battlefield. You already got close once I don't need you to get close again, the reminder is right on your face"

Sonia huffed in response to her mother's scolding, it was 9 years ago she could take care of herself.
"The only butt should be yours on your bed, end of discussion. Go up to your room"

Sonia knew not to try and protest, it was futile against her mother. So she sucked her teeth and stomped to her room, the blue haired teenager slammed the door and plopped onto her bed. She was frustrated by her mum, the war, her father, everything. All because there was one mistake! Just one! It wasn't even her fault either, it was because of him.

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