Chapter 2: A walk around Xerias

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Sonia stood in her room for most of that day, entertained by the various activities she had littered around her room. Like trying the same outfit on for the millionth time, applying some eye shadow or lip stick or playing with Bin-Bin. Sometime passed to the point where she was reading a book before the sound of suckers came from below her window, one would normally be freaking out but Sonia knew the sound of those suckers anyway as a familiar orange-red tentacle slapped against her door. A girl with tentacles for her hair and black and yellow eyes popped her head up along with a short female on her back. Her crimson eyes were matched by her crimson and cyan colored hair that went down to her lower back where the white and grey shark tail protruded.

The two girls were making silly faces until the princess broke and pushed open her door with a shadow hand, the girl with tentacle hair propped her elbows on the window will. She wore a black dress along with a yellow choker, she gave the water colored female an unamused look as she spoke

"Ya know Sonia if you didn't wanna come outside with us you could've just said and Shāpu got all dressed up and everything"

Sonia rubbed the back of her neck while letting out a nervous chuckle, she did truthfully feel bad for letting her friends down

"I know I know, but there was a meeting and I wanted to go help fight but my mum said to stay here...she can be such a...ughhhhh"

The shorter girl chuckled and gave her friend a teasing serrated grin as her forearm rested on the taller girl's head
"Sonia, if you always followed the rules where would we be? You wouldn't have gotten that cute top we all know your mom hates, so c'mon let's go and have a little fun...some gal time?"

The aquatic girl's words were as sweet as honey, and it was slowly working as she sat up and said
"What if my mum gets mad?"

"If she gets mad at me and Heaven will take the fall, right Heav?"

The dark skinned girl rolled her eyes and hissed out
"Whatever, you already signed me up for it"

The two less mopey people squealed and celebrated before Sonia went around her room to get dressed, she wore a red shirt that went down to her waist and Red pants. She was going for a bright style that day, as opposed to her usual gloom and doom dark color and black style.
"Catch me Heaven!"

The princess called out as her body flung out the window and without a second thought Heaven wrapped a tentacle around Sonia's leg just as she went out of reach, a soft chuckle escaped the dangling girls lips as Heaven shouted out

"Stop doing that! Or else I swear I will drop you!"
Shāpu and Sonia snickered as they were lowered down the wall of the castle
"You would think they would have better security at this part of the castle"

Shāpu said offhandedly as she noticed the strange lack thereof. Sonia shrugged it off in response as they touched the ground, the familiar air of her kingdom washed over her as she looked around. If she was only isolated to this part of her kingdom it wouldn't even look like there was any conflict at all; peaceful trading, kids playing, old married couples dancing and placing gentle kisses on each other's cheeks. This was her small slice of normalcy, what she would have if it wasn't for this war. "The war on law and order" it was called, which Sonia found idiotic in of it self.

Sure some laws were stupid such as the ban on serrated arrows, but there was no need to go to war because of stupid laws like that right? She was knocked out of her inner thoughts by Shāpu inquiring

"So what did you talk about in that room that made your mom freak out like that?"

Sonia groaned back
"Apparently there's a half dragon animorph with two types of magic...she deemed it too dangerous for me to come like I'm some sort of princess or something!"

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