Chapter 4

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I'll pick you up at seven.

Harry didn't give me anything else, and he didn't respond to my ten texts asking what we were going to be doing either. But he shows up at seven o'clock sharp and smiles as he stands in my-his bedroom doorway.

"Dress warm."

"Where are we going?" I ask as I slide out of bed.

"You will see." His eyes trail after me as I pick around the room for my scarf that had fallen on the ground, my coat slowly sliding off the back of the chair and my shoes that had somehow ended up on opposite sides of the room.

"You like surprises a little too much, sometimes." I yank on my shoes. "You know that?"

He takes my jacket and holds it out for me. "You love my surprises." He takes my scarf once my jacket is on and drapes it around my neck. "Right?"

"Yes, Harry." I cup his face between my hands. "I like your surprises."

He rests his hands over mine. "I think you'll really like this." He takes my hands from his face and interlaces his fingers through mine as he pulls me out of the room.

"You're very good at picking things I'll like, so I believe you." I chew on the inside of my cheek as he leads us down the steps and to the door. He lets one of my hands go to open the door. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Pick such great gifts and surprises." I lean into him before all of the heat in my body can drain between the house and the car.

He bumps his shoulder into mine. "It's my superpower."

I resist the urge to groan. "That is not helpful."

"How so?" He opens the door for me.

"No reason." I climb in and pull the door shut before he can ask again. He hurries around the front of the car and slides in.

"Don't worry about gifting me anything." He starts up the car and backs out.

"I will decide what I worry about." I press my hands to the heater.

"Seriously." He turns down the street. "I just want you to have fun and relax."

I give him a flat stare.

He laughs. "Evie," he says, trying to make his voice serious. "I mean it. I don't want anything except for you to have fun." His tone drops and his hand goes to his necklace. "I know it's hard"—his Adam's apple bobs—"going through the holidays without your parent for the first time."

I shrug, pretending my throat isn't tightening. "It's whatever."

"Evie..." He lays his hand over mine, his eyes on the road. "I already know. You don't have to pretend like it's all okay. I said I want you to have fun. That doesn't mean pretend you're not sad if you are."

I pat his hand with my other hand. "Harry. I'm fine. I've just never had to buy Christmas gifts before, so I'm trying to figure it out."

"Well, don't fret over." He smiles. "We can pick out the white elephant gift together."

I sigh. "Thank goodness." I drop my head back against the seat. "One less gift I have to worry about."

He chuckles and keeps my hand in his.

The drive is peaceful with Christmas music trailing through the speakers. Harry hums along with a steady warm melody. If Christmas could just be this—the two of us bundled up with him humming along and maybe some hot chocolate—it would be perfect.

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