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Pierson POV

It all started in 6th grade, the first year I went to this school. It was my first day and I had just gotten off the bus.
I was super nervous. I didn't know anybody at all.
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My first day at a new school... I'm wearing my favorite yellow dress, but that doesn't help my anxious thoughts. I'm gonna be that 1 kid that has no friends. And to top it all off- its already halfway through the first semester! Not only will I be lonely, but I'll be behind. What if everyone's mean? What if I never make friends and I'm lonely forever? I was perfectly happy in my old school, yet we just had to move away.
After I got off the bus, I didn't know where to go. I just started following some of the other people.
They went in the cafeteria and sat down with other friends.
I sat down at a table alone.
I feel so lonely. I want to go home- not this house but my old house.
This is gonna suck. Why do I feel like crying? I'm 12, im not about to cry just because I haven't met anyone yet. I'm not that weak.
I sat there for about 10 more minutes, just dreading the events of the day, until a boy came over and sat across from me.
??: Hi. Are you new? You look kind of lonely.
Oh, a boy. He seems nice. Maybe we can be friends.
P: Yeah, I'm new. I'm-
But I was cut off by-
??2: Hey, what are you doing talking to that loser? She's all alone. How sad.
He laughed while I frowned.
??: Oh, I was just telling this rat how ugly she is.
What?! He was nice just a second ago....
The other guy came and sat in the seat beside him.
??2: Girl- really?
He gentured to my favorite dress.
??2: Nobody wears dresses to school. What is this, the 1900's?
I didn't reply.
??2: And yellow? Nobody looks good in yellow, especially not you. Don't wear it again. And be sure to get a few sizes bigger next time.
I wanted to stick up for myself. I wanted to tell him to keep his opinions to himself. I wanted to punch him in the face- but I didn't. I couldn't. I didn't know how to react. I felt conflicted.
I just stared down at my lap, hoping these 2 bozos would go away.
??2: Do you have makeup? Can you put it on? You could use some. Its okay, not everyone is naturally good looking.
That tore it. I just got here and I already have someone making fun of me. I wanna go home. I can't stand to be in this room any longer. I tried as hard as I could to contain them, but tears streamed down my cheeks.
One of the guys laughed at me.
??2: Really? You're crying? What a baby.
I couldn't reply, I just grabbed my stuff and ran to the bathroom.

Brent POV

I hate Kyle. I hate him so much. I feel horrible for that new girl. I actually wanted to talk to her. I don't think she's ugly- I think she's beautiful.
She just got here and shes already crying. I feel so horrible. Wait- what's wrong with me? I never feel bad for anyone.
Kyle just laughed.
K: What a baby! What is she- 3 years old?
He continued laughing.
K: And seriously, who wears a dress to school?
He noticed that i wasn't laughing.
K: C'mon Rivera, don't tell me you've gone soft.
Br: Of course not. I was just thinking about that.... Hideous dress she was wearing.
That beautiful dress she was wearing.
K: I wonder how old she is. She can't be in 6th grade like us. She was crying.
He laughed and laughed.

Pierson POV

Yep, that was how I met 2 of the idiot squad members- at least that's what i call them. Their group consists of 5 bullies- Kyle- the leader, Zoey, Grace , Calvin, and Brent. They've been picking on me ever since that day. I dont let it bother me anymore. Now it's the first day of senior year in high school. I'm excited because 2 of the idiot squad members graduated last year- Grace and Calvin. Now there's 3 left. Maybe I can enjoy this year. They call me crybaby Pierson because of that day.
Stupid 12 year old Pierson. Why did you have to cry? Oh well. Maybe I won't have any classes with them this year. Maybe... Just maybe....

Hope u guys like chapter 1 of this story!! Merry Christmas!!!!

Also this story is kinda boring rn but it'll get better, I promise!!

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