The accident

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Pierson POV

Its a new year. So far so good. I'm in 3rd period, which is PE.
So far so good. I'm just sitting on the bleachers with nothing to do. They're letting everyone just do whatever. Pretty much a free day. Basketball, volleyball, or you sit down.
I recognized one of my friends playing in a volleyball circle. They're hitting the ball to each other, trying to keep it off the ground. That seems kinda fun. I decided to join her. I got off the bleachers and made my way over to her.
P: Hey. Anymore spots open to play?
??: Of course!
P: Thanks lex.
Lh: No problem.
She moved over and I joined the circle. About 10 minutes later, another girl approached Lexi.
??: Mind if I join?
Lh: Of course not.
She smiled and moved in between me and Lexi.
Lh: Oh- Pierson, this is lexi.
P: You guys have the same name?
Lr: Yep. And I'm guessing you're Pierson?
P: Guilty as charged.
Lr: Cool.
We played for about 5 minutes, then my worst nightmare came walking on over to our circle.
Brent freaking Rivera. Ugh.
Other girl (Og): What do you want?
Br: To play.
Og: Sorry, we don't play with bullies.
Br: hm
Og2: Nobody wants you here. Let us enjoy our game.
Br: Actually, nobody wants YOU here. That haircut is just embarrassing. I'm just amazed you're confident enough to go out in public with that mop.
That girl had a hurt expression on her face as she put some strands of hair behind her ears.
Brent looked around at the circle and then spotted me.
Surprisingly, he didn't say anything.
Og3: Seriously. Just go away.
Br: Do you want me to go tell the coach that you're refusing to let me play? I am his favorite, by the way.
Og3: Snitches get stitches.
Br: You could use some to patch up that mouth of yours.
Lh: Go away.
Br: Can I not just play a game of volleyball with my sister?
Sister? None of us have any idea who he's talking about.
Og: You know what? Fine. Play, but only if you play nice.
Br: Sure.
I rolled my eyes at him. So annoying.
We started playing. So far, so good. Brent was rarely being passed the ball, but he hit it fine when he got it.
After a few minutes, I made the mistake of hitting the ball to Brent. He thought it was funny to spike it over my head. It went straight into the bleachers. At the top. They were closed, so it was like a wall.
P: Seriously? I got it.
I started climbing. About halfway there, there was some water spilled. I accidently put my hand right in it. Instead of grabbing the bleachers like I meant to, I only grazed them. Suddenly, I fell backwards. My head hit the ground. Everything went dark.

           .                         .                         .

??: Pierson?! Pierson?!?
My vision slowly returned. I started to make out shapes of people above me.
??: Pierson?! Pierson?! Are you okay?!
??2: Does she look okay?! You caused that!
??: No I didn't! I didn't think...
Theres a throbbing pain in my head. I want to sit up, but I feel like I can't. My head is going to explode- at least that's what it feels like.
??3: Out of the way everyone!
I heard so many voices around me whispering. What a great first day.
??3: Whats her name?
I heard that voice whisper to someone.
??5: Pierson.
??3: Pierson? Pierson, can you hear me?
I feel weak, and I can't see any features on anyone. I gave them a thumbs up, my hand shaking. I let it drop back down on the floor and squeezed my eyes tight. My head is killing me.
??3: Someone go to the office and call her parents. She might have to go to the hospital. Can someone tell me the full story ?
The rest of the time flew by. I was taken to the hospital and told that I had a concussion. I have to stay home for a week.
P: But school just started!
Doc: I'm sorry, but you hit your head pretty hard.
P: But I'm going to miss so much!
Doc: Sorry. You have to stay here for another day, just so we can make sure there's no casualties besides your concussion.
I hate Brent Rivera.

The next day, I was watching TV in my hospital room when a nurse came in. I looked at my phone. Shes 20 minutes early for my dinner. They told me it would be at 5.
Nurse: Hello Pierson. You have a visitor.
Thats strange. My parents and brother already visited. Maybe a friend came to surprise me!
But I was so so wrong.
Brent Rivera walked in.

Hey guys!!! Sorry that its short and Sorry for not updating ... I went on vacation and now back at school so....

Anyways brierson pic of the day :)

My bully loves me- BriersonWhere stories live. Discover now