Sound Commitment

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i.e. Season 11 Episode 19

TW: typical criminal minds jargon, reader inside her head a little bit.

You're sitting across from Aaron, listening to him conference call Emily via webcam

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You're sitting across from Aaron, listening to him conference call Emily via webcam. The past 3 months have been, difficult. Derek left, and the team feels the hole that he left. You also still have that nagging feeling you've had since coming back, but you have yet to voice it to anyone, even Aaron. Telling yourself that it's nothing, it's normal to feel this way after coming back to work, that it will pass, eventually.

Sadly, eventually hasn't come yet, and that feeling only gets worse with every passing day. You know, that Aaron knows, that something is up with you, but he hasn't pushed you into talking about it. You wouldn't be surprised if he already knew what you were feeling without you having to say it.

"We're somewhere over Texas right now." Aaron's voice draws you from your thoughts. "How fast can you meet us in New York?"

You look away from the window to Aaron, as he looks up at you. You send a small, barely there smile as you stand to go inform the pilot about the change of plans. The last case was tiring, and being a man down for the past few weeks has only amplified that exhaustion. The last case, Tara was out of town for, making it seem you were down 2 members. You send her a text after talking to the pilot, letting her know to meet in New York.

The team lands a few hours later, heading straight to the precinct. The team gathers in the conference room where Emily was a already setting up the case, greeting their old friend with smiles and hugs.

"Rossi and JJ are headed to the crime scene. I'm assuming you want to join them?" Aaron asks her, getting straight to business.

Emily nods her head, "You assume right."

"I'm literally losing sleep here." Emily grumbles desperately.

You send her a sympathetic look, "Some cases just stick with you. Makes sense that this one's important." Knowing how it is when a case wont leave your mind, even in your sleep.

"I just wish I can flip a switch or something to control it." She sighs, drinking some coffee from her cup.

you grimace, "The only way to control it is to surrender to it."

"You sound like Rossi." She scoffs a laugh, before a more serious face graces her features, "If I do that, then I have to face the fact that I might never catch this guy."

"Yeah," You agree with her, "But by that logic, you also have to face the fact that you might. One thing you can't do is blame yourself. For any of it."

"Yeah. It's hard to get out of your mind." She grimaces, shaking her head and looking down, "Easier said than done, you know?"

"Tell me about it." You mutter.

"What's going on with you?" She tilts her head after a few moments of silence.

You raise your brow at her, "What'd you mean?"

Stumbling West (Aaron Hotchner x Reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now