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Jimin POV

Jimin: We are here
Yoojung: Thank god!
Jimin: Why? You don't like my company?
Yoojung: No. It is just this clothes. I want to change out of it
Jimin: ohh but you didn't deny that you don't like my company yay!!!
Yoojung: * laughs* okay okay it I can say no to you * mumbles*
Jimin: huh you said something???? Mrs.Park
Yoojung: NO! Just hurry up and park the car
Jimin: Yes Ma'am
Yoojung: Pabo

I walk out of the car first to open the car door for Yoojung. When I open the door I saw her face and blushing.

Yoojung: t-than-ks op-pa
Jimin: No problems. I will get your bag and you can wait at the door.
Yoojung: Okay I will wait but are you sure?
Jimin: Yes go. All I need to get are the dance bags that all.
Yoojung: Fine I will go

After Yoojung said that she left to the door. While I went to get the bags. Ugh I should of told her to get her clothes to change while she waited for me. Oh right she doesn't know we're the bathroom are. I need to hurry up since she is so uncomfortable in that clothes. I can tell by just looking at her. Since we were supposed to take a break but we didn't since she said since we could just dance and have fun. And the dance practice doesn't start until 7:50. So we are fine and I agree.

* time skip 7 minutes *
Jimin and Yoojung talking in the practice room

Jimin: This is the practice room
Yoojung: ooooo
Jimin: We are just going to cover some dances before we actually have our own songs.
Yoojung: Okay
Jimin: The song will be V - Jay Park
Yoojung: ooo do the choreographer have all the steps?
Jimin: That I know of a few parts of the song no
Yoojung: I guess when we are having fun and have a dance move we can use it
Jimin: I love that
Yoojung: Okay let's get started but first ummm Jimin
Jimin: Yeah
Yoojung: Um can you show me to the bathroom? Please for I can change
Jimin: Yes of course
Yoojung: I don't want to take time away from you so when you are done showing me to the bathroom you can leave.
Jimin: I won't
Yoojung: huh?
Jimin: I will watch the show and see how it goes * wink*
Yoojung: *blushing* a-a
Jimin: It's fine * ruffles yoojung hair* I am joking. But I will stay since I need to change also.
Yoojung: But you look good in that
Jimin: oh thank you but we will be dancing. So I will change
Yoojung: okay lead the way please
Jimin: Right this way

After walking a bit and have a small talk with her. We arrived at the bathroom. But something is off? I see a employee so I ask them

Jimin: Is there something worry with the bathroom?
Employee: In yes but I am unsure. I think the pipes aren't working right. And someone is looking at the pipes right now.
Jimin: So all the bathroom except this one is fine?
Employee: No the guy recommended to not use the bathrooms. So there are close right now.
Jimin: okay thank you
Employee: But if you have to use it than you got to go some where like the stores.
Jimin: Okay thank you.
Employee: Your welcome *walks away*
Jimin: We can't use the bathroom. Did you have to use it?
Yoojung: No only change
Jimin: I know were. Follow
Yoojung: Okay

We can't use the bathrooms so we have to change in some rooms. I am going to go inside of a closet since we the other rooms have windows and people are working right now.

Jimin: Enter please
Yoojung: Okay
Jimin:*closing the door* Before you said anything. I am sorry but the other rooms have windows and people are working in them.
Yoojung: I understand but may you please leave the room?
Jimin: Oh I also need to change so I will stay but don't worry I won't look
Yoojung: Please don't
Jimin: Trust me

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