Side Never Seen Before

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Jimin POV

Me and Yoojung are practicing for Ping Pong. It is going good but we are changing some parts. For the show and the clothes is a little colorful. I am practicing by myself since Yoojung left. I don't think she is fine. She has only been wearing pants and been sleeping in the guest room. Maybe she is on her period? That is normal for women. She can tell me I will be fine with it.

Mosko: Hmmm are you being lazy?
Jimin: No
Mosko: I don't see you trying
Jimin: Well I am
Mosko: Well then show me!!
Jimin: Ugh fuck you bitch I really want to hurt you so bad fine ( I whisper that part )
Jimin: Watch me
Mosko: Go ahead
Jimin: ( does the dance and gives off his sexy moves ) there
Mosko: Who are you trying to seduce?
Jimin: You said to show you that I am trying

Mosko was about to said something. But Yoojung walks in.

Yoojung: That was good *claps* Are you going to do that a the show?
Jimin: You want me too?
Mosko: Well it is too much
Yoojung: Yeah you should. I guess I have to go out for mine. Haha
Mosko: Yeah you should I will watch you carefully Why don't you try now? Hmm
Yoojung: uhhhh I guess so
Mosko: I will be watching

When Yoojung dances she looks hot. I feel like the room feels hotter. Damn she looks good. I look at the mirror and see Mosko looking at her hungrily. I want to kill him!!! He walks behind her and starts dancing with her. Looking like he is helping her.

Mosko: Yeah like that.
Mosko: Move your hip move
Mosko: Get closer to me
Mosko: Danicng on me

I can't stand that son of a bitch!!!!! I had enough I walk towards them. And push Mosko I fill his place. I can tell she is more relax with me. I whispered to her ear relax it is me don't mind him. I am here with you. We will talk at this at home. I look at the mirror and see Mosko mad.

Jimin: Shouldn't you be watching us?
Mosko: Yeah what I am doing

We continue this for a good 2 hours. I try to stay with Yoojung all the time I can. Thank god that Jabalina comes in.

Jabalina: Yoojung Jimin come
Yoojung: Ah yeah ( Yoojung looks at Jimin who has Yoojung and his bag. Jimin is ready to go while Yoojung is too. But she doesn't want to be rude. )
Yoojung: Um me and Oppa need to go. Uh have a good night and bye!!

Jabalina POV

I am waiting for Yoojung and Jimin to come out. I need to see if their clothes fits. Jimin comes out

Jimin Outfit

Yoojung Outfits

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Yoojung Outfits

Yoojung Outfits

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