Day to night. Dark to light.

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Author's Note: This is the background of how they came to be a family of ghost hunters.

Silas was born to a Sheikah couple, Zelk and Jilris. His father, Zelk, was a well known warrior who used to protect the royal family. His mother, Jilris, was a simple guide, helping to navigate others through rough terrain in the wild.

A vastly different pair but they managed to hit it off and after a few years, Silas was born. However, it wasn't long before his parents started to want different things. Zelk wanted to continue his position and vow to defend the royal family. Jilris wanted him to retire and focus on their own family. The more he left for weeks on end to do his job, the more the tension grew. It put them at odds and they started to fight more and more about their future and what was more important.

Eventually, when Silas was only 3 years old, Zelk left on what was suppose to be his last escort for the royal family before he was to retire.

But he never returned.

Some believe he used it as a means of leaving his family behind, a divorce from the growing tension of their odds. Others said something else must have happened to him. But no one knew the truth. Not even the King or Queen who claim he never showed up for the escort to begin with.

Silas was then on raised solely by his mother. He didn't have a very good relationship with his father to begin with but without him, there was no hope to try and improve it. Especially not with his bitter mother left to raise him alone.

From the age of 5, Jilris taught him how to traverse the land and survive. He learned how to help guide others as his mother continued her work for a living. This left them to travel to several places. He learned a lot, from easily moving over harsh terrain to how to track animals and scavenge for food. She even started to teach him how to cook with what they found.

As he reached the age of 8, he met a Gerudo girl 2 years younger named Feruk. Her parents had hired his mother to help guide them to their new home through a thick forest. They spent the next week together as they made their way through. Very quickly the two became rivals, both trying to one up the other.

During one of their little games of 'who is better', Silas slipped off a log they were trying to cross faster than the other. He sprained his ankle in the accident. Thankfully they were close to their destination but it did slow down their progress.

By the time they reached the town of Mirstone, they had a complicated friendship. Jilris chose to stay in town a while to let Silas recover. This let the 2 have more time together but their rivalry only grew.

Jilris ended up getting a job as a seamstress in town, having been making her own clothes and Silas' clothes for years. With her new job, they stayed in the town of Mirstone but Silas continued to learn how to survive as she continued to be a guide on the side.

Feruk and Silas grew up together from then on but their need to one up the other didn't fade. If anything, it got worse. They would constantly tease each other and pick on one another. However, there was a sense of friendship under their rivalry.

Once Silas was 17, he started traveling with Feruk. It made their rivalry more entertaining as they had far more options than back at home.

They'd make some money from guiding others or taking on a few monster bounties but mostly they just explored.

Silas took after his mother and learned to summon a fairy familiar he named Zeir to assist him in navigating through their world. Not wanting to let him get any edge, Feruk learned to do the same, naming her fairy Teora. A fairy to help heal her in battle if she became too wreckless.

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