Hospital pt 3

274 6 0

Mono pov

Six slid the button(?) into its place and apparently alerted some sort of being,
"Look out!" Y/n yelled as the in-human thing came crashing through the ceiling and somehow defying gravity.

Y/n pov
I yelled for everyone to look out as this thing came down, walking on the ceiling, we all hid under the beds, found something apparently on life support, almost killed them and were hiding under the beds again, I went out to pick the toy up to throw at a button as quickly as possible, so that 'doctor' would leave us alone.

I gave it to mono and he threw it at the button, which I didn't realise was an electric powered one,so then it made a huge noise and we started running.

I thought it was the end of it all but no, glass shards nearly missing my head and sharp things going everywhere, I ran faster as mono disappeared behind a corner, I yelped as I jumped after his fast figure, I gasp as I fall down the stairs, hitting my head and only remember my name being yelled.

Goodby peoples

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