Sister?!?! Preposterous!!!!

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It was a chilly winter's day, snow drops fell from the sky coating the earth in a light blanket of white. Damian was sitting in a small café with a black haired girl, who's hair shone blue in the winter's sun. She sat across from him as they enjoyed a fair helping of pancakes, hers with chocolate chips, strawberries, and whipped cream while his was simple with blueberries, and a mug of hot chocolate, on Marinette's insistence of course. The sweet poison is not something Damian would willingly drink, but for Marinette, there is a lot he was suddenly more than willing to do.

They laughed and enjoyed breakfast and each other's company before they had to get back to Wayne Manor.

Onlookers sat slightly confused at Damian's friendly demeanor towards the slightly younger girl. He was often viewed as the Ice Prince for he brushed off everyone and never had anything nice to say to anyone. He rather be on his own and glared at anyone who dared look at him. He screamed at reporters or straight up ignored them, pushing past them and walking off as if they weren't even there.

But that girl.

The girl who held a faint resemblance to him and definitely seems like the 'Bruce Wayne Type' as the only one who Damian Wayne seemed to talk to and genuinely enjoy the company of.

Rumors passed like wildfire and next thing you know it's on everyone's mind, who is this girl. Spectators assumed she was Bruce's newest adoption case, others said she was the only suitor the youngest Wayne found worth his time, and then there were those who speculated that maybe she was Damian's biological sister, hence the faint -but there- resemblance.

Of course, there has been no real response to these rumors. Reporters haven't been able to grab the heir's attention long enough to question him and his family members straight out refuse to talk about the mysterious girl all of Gotham is talking about.

Hell, even the villains seem to like her!

A few reporters were lingering about the area after reports of the Wayne heir going to the coffee shop with the girl in tow. Damian of course spotted them and gave them a hard glare and that was the only reason they hadn't bombarded the small shop and dumped question upon question on the young duo.

But now, Damian paid for the bill for their food and he and the mystery girl headed out the door. Like the gentleman he was, Damian held the door open for her and they continued down the sidewalk on a pleasant stroll.

They managed to take a short detour through the garden's where Ivy greeted them but the second they stepped foot out of the place filled with a variety of beautiful plants, the paparazzi had surrounded them and were pouring out more questions at once then a waterfall spilt water.

Damian noticed that Marinette was rather startled with the sudden attention they were being given. She noticed the lingering looks in the café, but no one dared approach while they were enjoying their meal so she assumed they were wise enough to keep their distance.

But oh boy was she wrong.

Questions tossed like frisbees, faster than she could ever catch and possibly toss back -not that she's sure she'd even answer the questions seeing as she couldn't even understand half of them.

Then over the other noise of people yelling for the heirs attention, one caught his attention as a young girl pushed through the crowd of fellow newsmarketers, and asked her inquiry.


Marinette's head snapped towards her at that as well, she seemed to hear that one over the rest of the hooligans screams as well. Damian decided to do these imbeciles a favor and give them just one piece of news to cover.

Purely for their benefit of course.

"Sister!!" Damian called out and suddenly the noise that filled the air had gone dead quiet as he spoke, "preposterous!"

And with that, Damian grabs Marinette by the waist, pulling her close to him so there's no space between their bodies, enjoying the cute confusion that scrunched up her beautiful porcelain features as he catches her lips in a searing kiss.

They both can hear the shocked gasps from the paparazzi they both have mutually, silently agreed to ignore for the moment as they get lost in the feeling of their lips dancing across the others, breathes being stolen away as Damian's plan to give these filthy hooligans that dare to interrupt his time with his precious angel a show they won't forget as it will possibly be on the front page for quite some time.

Damian broke the kiss, his lip tugging up in a slightly cocky smirk as he takes in Marinette's frazzled appearance, a touch dazed at the sudden and unexpected show of public affection, one they had agreed they wouldn't do, not that Marinette minded.

No, not one bit.

Damian continued as if he didn't just suck face with a girl half the population of Gotham had assumed was the newest Wayne, "she is my girlfriend," he stated clearly for them all, permanently debunking the rumors and finally telling the world that this angel was his.

Marinette had a dopey smile draped across her fair features as the rose-colored blush that approached her ladybug red suit dusted across her cheeks, her weight against Damian's side.

"Come along Angel, we must be getting back now," Damian said gently with a sweet, soft smile gracing his usually scowling features as he gently tugged her hand.

Marinette dutifully followed along. When they were out of earshot from the gossiping reporters she finally spoke.

"I thought we weren't doing public affection?" Marinette quired.

"I can't have everyone thinking your my sister now can I?" Was Damians response, "besides, now they all know your mine."

And yes, it certainly did blow up the news for quite a while.


This was actually based off a comment as seen in the chapter picture. I was looking through my notifications and found it and decided, "Why the hell not?"

So big thanks to Elecornatishigaidle for inspiring me to write this and also sorry for not cross posting this here sooner lol.

I've had this story on my Ao3 and just forgot to post it here. Whoops.

Anyway. Hope you enjoyed my 5 seconds of weirdness. Bye.

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