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It was raining hard and the bus already delayed for 3 minutes, wouldn't have a problem unless I was getting wet, and I just did my hair too.

"Hey bitch where ya umbrella" tiff said covering me

"Heyy I'm surprised you taking the bus, usually Sam picking you up"

"She coming late today her momma got a problem and shit"

"That's tuff"

"And what happened with Chris he talking mad shit on snap"

"He stay throwing subs I'm good tho" I shrugged my shoulders

The bus slowly came to a stop and opened the doors for us, I inserted my metro card in the slit for the ride, then put it back in my pocket as I went all the way to the back of the bus, I blasted Peso by A$AP Rocky on my headphones as the bus made stops. I wasn't in the mood today either kinda fucked everything up cause the rain and arguments with my mommas boyfriend. It was finally my stop, me and tiff walked into the school scanning our IDs.

"I'll see you 3rd period" Tiff hugged me heading into her room

I smiled and hugged her back walking to the end of the hall,

"Hello Ms" I said smiling as I sat in the back

"Good Morning Ms.Trone nice seeing you again" she smiled handing me pieces of papers

"What's this"

"Labs you've missed I say catch up now report cards due Friday"

"Ms. This all like 20 Labs ain't no way I'm get this done by Friday"

"If you at least do 7 I'll pass you, now if you do more then 7 it'll help you get a higher grade"

"I'll have them done" I smiled putting them in my folder

She waited 10 more minutes as the classroom started filling up with students,

"Yo kay you still with your man Chris some like that?" Toniya asked chewing on her gum all ugly

"Mind ya business" I said sitting back

"He talking mad shit, how you goin leave your man for another, damn treesh" she laughed

"Fuck up Toniya"

"What you gon do" she said laughing all crazy

"Ms.Trone ignore her please, Toniya get back in your seat" my teacher spoke up

I couldn't wait to leave this class, that bitch was staring at me and whispering to her little friends. I couldn't even see the type of shit Chris posted on snap mf blocked me on everything. The bell rung and I grabbed my stuff quickly leaving this class, I was walking with my headphones in my ear when someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around seeing Toniya and her little group,

"What you want" I took one of my earbuds out

"Bitch was staring at me the whole time what's up now we can fight"

This bitch was doing too much now, I wasn't even looking her way and now she wanted to fight.

"Toniya ill fuck you up right now, walk away or you gon leave with broken bones"

"Nah do it, you talking all that rah rah show me what you about"

I rolled my eyes starting to walk away when she pulled my arm aggressively towards her,

"Don't fucking touch me" I said shoving the against the wall

A crowd started forming as I let her go, I wanted to punch her in her shit but couldn't let her get to my head, she wanted to fight since she was making shit up

"Kayeni" I heard Artist shout

I turned around seeing him rushing towards me,

"Sebas told me you was getting in a fight" he hugged me

"Nah bitches wanna start shit" I said loudly enough for Toniya to hear

"Damn you fucking with artist now" she smirked

"Suck ma dick Toniya get to class with ya herpes having boyfriend" he said pulling me away from her

"Chill ignore her she tryna test ya limit don't let her get to your head"

"I know but shits annoying when she telling me Chris dicksucking, posting mad shit about me"

"He a little boy Kay, thought you knew this"

"He got like this cause we was together he weekend but you called and got worked up getting stuff into his head, we obviously not hooking up or nun"

"Yea you lying to the guy, should've just said the truth"

"I wanna go home I can't be here any longer"

"It's only second period Kay"


"Ai let's go but to ma place"

I nodded following him to the first floor, seniors had off this period so we followed behind them tryna not make it obvious. We took the bus to his block which took 20 minutes in total. My head was resting on Artists shoulder the whole time, I really loved him in a friendly way. We walked up to his room and I laid on his bed waiting for him to come out his bathroom.

"I'm tryna go to another party last time we went I had fun" I said

"Yea cause you was drunk"

"This time we both drink tho"

"Next time"

"Like this weekend tho Tiff got invited to this party her friend Glysian throwing"

"People I know gonna be there" he asked laying next to me

"Half the school going Artist"

"My guys haven't told me nothing about that party"

"They'll probably tell you later on but I know they pulling up"

"I'm sorry for the past, I should've payed more attention to our friendship I know it meant a lot to you" he said facing me

"Artist it's the past for a reason, we good now trust me I know you won't do some fucked up shit again"

"I promise I won't" he smiled

"Okay good"
"And you coming right now look at the fuckin time it's 4 you come out of school at 3:20 what's going on" my momma yelled

"Nothing bus delayed again it's raining so" I said annoyed

"You think you so grown you goin clean this whole house this weekend and you not coming with us, you staying here alone so you learn" she yelled again

"Where y'all going too?"

"To go see his family again, they like us better to keep it that way"

I really didn't care, I had a party this weekend and now her telling me to stay home to "learn" and she go out with Jordan and her boyfriend made things better, I never wanted to go anyways I hated her boyfriend, he was always so weird towards me, it made me feel better just to keep distance between us.

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