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Monaco, Monaco

"Bella. What's wrong?"
Max asks concerned as stands taken opposite me, taken off guard. I open my mouth to explain to him, but only a pained sound comes out as tears continue to roll down my face. Max notes my current incapacity to formulate words and pulls me into a hug, taking my bulging case, shutting the door behind us. He guides me into his living room, where Daniel is also sat, Xbox controller in hand. He sits me down next them and he instantly stops the game he was playing, mirroring Max's expression.

"What happened Bella?" Daniel echos Max, while I sit rigid next to him inaudible. Max looks at him and shakes his head indicating that I'm not ready to talk, a message that he seems to understand as he side hugs me and let's me lay my head on his lap. The boys silently communicate with each other, Max leaves the room while Daniel gently stokes my hair in between my sniffles. Max returns with a glass of water and a tub of ice cream. My favourite flavour too, but I'm in no mood to enjoy it in my current feelings. Seconds later max reappears with a blanket, laying it over my body while I shut my eyes.

As I begin to drift to sleep, I hear Daniel whisper "What happened?"

To which Max shrugs "I don't know she wouldn't talk"

After a long silence, Daniel responds in dismay. "Charles" and that's the last I hear of the conversation before sleep takes over.


"I know that DANIEL but what do we do with her!" My eyes squint, adjusting to the bright daylight as I am abruptly awoken from my slumber comatose. I look towards the direction of the commotion to see Max and Daniel arguing animatedly through the kitchen door. I realise that I'm still in the clothes from yesterday on the couch that Daniel had been sat on when I arrived, although the set up had changed from a make-do empty pizza box stand to something that resembled a bed. With the addition if a pillow and a fluffy blanket, both which were plastered with Redbull logos. cute. I swing my legs off of the sofa and attempt to stand up. Feeling light headed I lean forward and grabbed the coffee table in front of me, steadying myself. After waiting for the stars behind my eyes to fade, I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and head over the kitchen. Standing by the doorway, I catch Max panic whispering to Daniel with his back turned to me.

"She's been asleep nearly all day! That's not normal, what if she's dead?!"

"Such a drama queen" Daniel sighs before noticing me stood by the entrance, "why don't you ask her yourself"

Max gives him a 'your either crazy or stupid' look before turning round to prove his point. However upon seeing my watching figure, his face goes pale.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" I jest, an amused look creeping onto my face.

"I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance" he mutters more to himself than to either me or Daniel.

"An ambulance? What for?" I question, clearly missing a vital element of the conversation.

"Max thought you weren't going to wake up" Daniel chuckles, causing Max to get fired up again.


Ignoring their antics I search for my phone in my pocket but it must have fallen out while I was asleep. I interrupt their bickering once more, "What time is it?"

"Nearly 6pm" Daniel answers me.

"You've slept through the whole day. We were worried"

"You were worried" Daniel corrects.

"You were too!" Max whines.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, or bother you at such a late hour last night. I was just exhausted and coming here was the first place that came to mind"

"Bella... it's fine" Max reassures me, wrapping his arms around my smaller frame. A gesture which I happily embrace.

"Are you okay though?" Daniel asks, joining our hug from the opposite side. I nod my head into Max's chest, scared that my voice will give me away. "You would tell us if you weren't, wouldn't you" he gently probes again, to which I reply a barely audible 'yes'.

Accepting my silent wish to avoid the topic, the three of us stand together for a few more minutes. Until Max ruins the moment, comparing our group hug to a beef sandwich.

"Why beef?" I ask, completely thrown off by the comment.

"Because your hair is brown" he replies as if it's the most obvious answer ever.

Daniel groans, running his hands through his hair. "It seriously feels like I'm losing brain cells when I'm around you". I let out a snicker, it feels good to laugh.

Later on we are all sat on Max's sofa watching an episode of The Office. When the end credits roll I turn to Max. "Is it okay if I crash here again tonight?"

"Of course"

"I really appreciate it" I smile, "but after tonight I'll find somewhere else stay. I don't want to burden you even more than I already have"

"You can stay here as long as you like Bella" Max tells me sincerely as he takes my hand into his.

"As much as I would love to, I need to have a break from Monaco for a little while" I explain to him, thoughts of encountering Giada or Charles popping into my head, making my heart heavy.

"Are you not coming to Austria?" Daniel asks confused.

"No, actually my boss granted me a few weeks off to rest"

"Where will you go?" Max looks at me like he's trying to solve a puzzle in his head.

"I think I have an idea" I say with a small smile.


I get out of the taxi that has transported me from Geneva airport, opening the wooden gate and walking down the stone path to the front of the house. I take the door knocker into my hand and rap it against the door three times. I wait patiently, relaxing when I hear footsteps through the house nearing the other side of the door. The woman in the house opens it and instantly tugs me into a warm hug which I melt into. She takes my face into her hands examining me with a grin "You look so grown up" she laughs, making my face blush. "Come on in. We have been expecting you".

"Thank you so much for letting me stay Corrina" I tell her as she takes my suitcase and leads me through the hallway.

"It's always a pleasure to have you my dear, Gina and Mick are waiting for you in the living room"

As always thanks for reading everyone! I'm trying to update this story as often as possible and as quickly as the ideas come to mind. So I appreciate all of you who patiently wait and continue to read, vote and comment. On another note, if anyone would be interested in making a new cover for this book, please let me know! Message me any you have because it needs a bit of a refresh and I'm completely useless🥲


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