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Harlow pov
Today is Christmas I was still staying at pattie's house. I let junior stay at Justin's and hailey's house. I wanted to give them time to spend with him since they don't get a lot of it. It was nice to that his dad and siblings love junior just has much as everyone else. I was going to go by my dads house and give him the gifts we had gotten him.I am happy with everything in my life I think I am going to stay with my uncle and finish going to school look for a job and maybe move back home in my own place.Yes I would love to be in L.A. now but I don't want to go back to my dads house or have to ask for help.This christmas made me relize a lot of thing but this has all made me stronger then I ever thought.having the family and friends I have I might not have made it throught I will ever be thankful for what justin has been there for me and my son that is not even his child.I was get dressed so I could go over to my dads house so I could drop of the giftes from me and junior.I wanted to make sure that my son's first christmas was amazing even thougt he won't remember it until he is older.

Justin pov

I was happy that harlow let jounior stay the night without her.I am happy that she came out her for the holidays.Having the both of the here means the world to me christmas would not have been the same without them.I am glad that hailey's parents love my son I don't know if I would have been ok with them not liking my son or if I would have been able to stay with her.I went all out for him for christmas even thought he won't remember this.I got junior a good shoe collection and when he gets older I want to get him electric cars to drive.My dad was shocked when I told him that I had a son my brother and sister didn't know what to make of the baby.His room at mine and hailey house has a lot of toys and cloths.
scootor pov
I was going to text harlow to see if she would bring junior over.I wanted to have harlow and junior open there preants over here with and yeal.But if she has not even bothered to tell me she is here then I don't even know if she would want to come over. I then heard a knock on the door so I got up from the couch were I was sitting with yeal.
S-Scooter H-Harlow
S-hey harlow how r u
H-I am fine how r u
S-I an good we're is junior
H-he is with Justin and his family
S-oh ok I thought you guys would come here
H-dad after everything I just wanted to have junior spend time with his dad and stepmom.
S-I get it
H-here is your gifts from me and junior. I better go Justin and them are waiting for me to show up.(started walking away to the door)
Y- wait
Y-you should come by later
H-not to be mean or anything me and junior are not going to be able too come by. We are staying for dinner there and lunch. I want to him to get has much time with hailey and Justin cuz we are leaving the after news day.
Y-oh could we do lunch or something
H-I will have to think about it.
Scooter was happy to see what was happening in front of him.gave harlow the gifts for junior to her.
Justin Pov
We were waiting for Harlow to show up. I new she was going to go by her dad's house. I should've have take this long maybe she took my advice and is going to go to lunch with yeal. Harlow just walked in not looking all that happy.I went all out for junior even thought he won't remember this I will along with the rest of my family and harlow to. I can never thank harlow enugh for the gift she has given me and thats is my son that is the best gift I could ever ask for in my life.We started opening are gifts we had and to see the expretion my brother and sister was amazing to see the got a lot of cool toys and some cloths. I got junior a lot of shoes and toys and cloths.My mom hailey and harlow and haileys mom were cooking while the rest of us were talking and the kids were playing with there toys they just got.I got a a text from scooter.

J-Justin S-Scooter

s-can you talk to harlow about maybe going to do something with yeal

J-yea I will talk to her I wanted her to talk to yael and do something with her for me and she said she would.can I ask what yael said for her not to what to do something with her.whatr was her vibe like and her tone tworeds

S-she wanted harlow and the baby to come over and hang out with us or maybe the two of them could go out to lunch.What do you mean vibe and tone mean it should not mean anything.

J-it means that the tone someone ues she will take the wrong way and not like it.Just give her time I think when she is ready to want to hang out with yael or even you has to be on her terms not yours or mine.



I know that harlow is not ready to hang out with her dad or yeal but she made an eughert and that is all that matters to me.Her going over to her dad is a big step from what I have seen in her.The girls said dinner was almost ready harlow came out and handed me a bottle so I could feed junior this is maybe like my third time getting to feed him a bottle.This had been the best christmas for me I got to spend it with the most amamzing girlfriend and my son and the mother of my child and my family.Getting this time with my son means the world to me because I don't get to see him in person and that is why I think harolw pumped braest milk for me and hailey so we could do it.we all sat down at the dinner table and eat and talked and said what we were thankful for this holiday.I could not be more thankful for the people I have in my life and my fans with out them I would not be here.

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